John Heuer

Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The Godfather Part II, The Deer Hunter, Once Upon a Time in America, The King of Comedy, The Untouchables, Heat, Casino. Yeah, definitely not a movie star.

I think she as a character has learned to relax more about following rules (which I think was a coping mechanism for being alone).

He's always been pathetic but ramping up his ugliness (to others) to the point he is ostracized makes you feel some sympathy that he doesn't realize how he keeps doing this to himself.

People don't instantly change though. Even when one has an epiphany, more than likely you will go back to how you acted before. He is too delusional to make such a serious change. I know it's a TV trope that the dumb guy can't get better but at least from a character perspective, it makes sense.

She's not even that mean to him, she makes a few sarcastic remarks and calls him out on his BS. If anything, she's much nicer than she should be.


What do you prefer to breaking bad? Besides The Wire and The Sopranos, I'd maybe say Battlestar Galactica and possibly Mad Men, but I certainly think it's up there.

When did the acting get good on Hannibal?