
Most of the reviews online revealed that Camille and Lena were twins, which is something I don't understand.

I cant recall the last subtitled TV show to air in the US on cable, Sundance Channel is probably the only channel that would air The Returned.

I think she clearly caused the bus crash, the driver was distracted because of her.

You find out more about that character…hint each episode has a title for the name of a character.

I think I misunderstood what you meant by the characters experiencing the reveal, actually we were introduced to the main revenants in this episode.
I thought you were referring to the scene of the guy (Simon) trying to get into the house with the woman freaking out.

All of the characters have not experienced the reveal. I don't think anything really tops the Lena/Camille scene in the series, but there are plenty of amazing moments throughout the series.

The Sundance trailer is lame, and it was surprising how many reviews spoiled the true relationship between Camille and Lena, but the bus crash is the opening scene of the series.

A&E has the rights for an American remake, and Carlton Cuse (Lost, Bates Motel) might be doing it. Just don't think an American version will come close to the visuals,location, mood, music etc.

Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler

The older sister Lena is the one who gets nude.

One of the main writers of the series is also one of two directors for the entire series, and he is credited with directing the Camille episode, but that is not exactly proof that was his idea. Camille had a co-writer.

The BF part of the story line was the mistake. The writers should have focused on Jessica and Dana, and just had them interact with each other. Dana could have taken Chris with her and had the exact same scene with him talking about when Brody deployed.

Alex Gansa mentioned last week that Carrie and Saul hatched their plan due to how culpable they felt about the CIA bombing. Brody is even more culpable than either of them, so if Carrie does not believe Brody is guilty she probably at least feels that he is responsible for what happened. I also think Brody might

There were two scenes in this episode where Carrie could have said "Brody is innocent". The scene with Jessica and the second scene with Saul on the phone where he lays into her Carrie about risking the mission for Brody's daughter. A Dana/Carrie scene would be interesting, not sure if it will be a your dad is