Rick Sanchez

He really hates women.   100% has to do with Mr. T having a micropenis.  

Some are trying to use this moment to divide police and the communities you serve. I reject those efforts, for they do not reflect the reality of our Nation.”

I wonder what the little asshole said to him?

This is the correct take. Everyone was quick to go after a side they didn’t like and now are playing the “But the other guy...”. Sotomayor screwed up, accept it, condemn it and move on. Simply changing the song back to Thomas is part of the problem...

Anyone else notice that this site no longer does articles about BLACK Presidential candidate Cornell West?  WHY NOT?????????

Jeez... some of the comments here are “kiddie diddler defense force 101”.

I heard that when Trump gets back in, he’s gonna expand the Court to 23 and get 14 picks.

This attack on the Supreme Court is DISGUSTING.

Oh good, Affirmative Action for firefighters. It’s not like they’ve already lowered their standards in the name of diversity, let’s make this hardcore. Merit? Whatever.

No one voluntarily goes on the Chicago River.  It’s for mob corpses and St Pat’s Day food coloring only.

Or just fuck you and your inbred family.

Then you got defective cards. Progressives have always been racists. (Here’s a hint: On sites like The Root literally everyone who isn’t Black is a racist. And we’re not too sure about a lot of Black people.)

No way. The state colleges need that money for college football. You obviously are some dumb racist Northern carpetbagger piece of shit so you don’t know anything about  the places where HBCUs exist.  You ask any black person in Alabama if they would rather fund Nick Saban’s contract or the education of black kids and

Please please set up a shadow society and move to blue states.

You forgot to mention the app is only available currently on for the Black Android users...womp womp! 😣

Dude, your insults don’t even make sense. I fucking defy you to disprove what Sowell said. Go ahead. Explain how liberal policies have made black people’s lives better. Please explain how the progress made by black people 100 years after slavery was improved by the welfare state. Their intact families, their

Here’s how the scam goes - Vote for us and we’ll get you those overdue reparations! Millions for each person! Oh wait! The Supreme Court and the Republicans say its Unconstitutional to raid the Treasury to give money to one race.  Well, we tried but those Republicans are evil!  But thanks for all the votes!

Black People were taken as Slaves by other Black People in Africa & sold to White People. Best Option would be for American Blacks to SUE Black African Tribes, because that is where it all began. Good Luck!

You’re not getting shit.

Nobody alive was a slave. Nobody alive owned slaves. This is fucking stupid. This is what primitive tribes do.