Rick Sanchez

The hubris of easing restrictions NOW, just because we are sad/stressed/tired of covid is astounding.

Just a guess, but those comparisons were not favorable to the BLM protests, were they?

For context the Indigenous protests that blocked a rail line that impacted only a fraction of the traffic got broken up fairly quick.

I might be stupid, but at least I’m doing my job today instead of living off foreign money and shitting in buckets.

Have you thought about why people protesting for freedom in foreign nations fly American flags?

“Maybe the question is, had a Black man poked a White woman and then told her to kiss his blank blank, you tell me what you think would have happened,”

You’re a racist fool. It was white guys attacking him he shot. Brooks is the black supremacist that killed innocent grannies and kids along with injuring over 50 but I don’t see that truth coming out. Check the thugs social media for the facts. If you want true end to racism it works all around. 

An AR-15 user will outshoot a hunting rifle user because of the weapon design alone.

Brings gun to unarmed peaceful protest, claims self defense.

Not guilty. If everyone who is found not guilty is further persecuted for “shit some internet commentor thinks they might do because reasons” there’d be a whole mess of your people locked under jails. Fucking idiot.

Armalite rifle. What do I win, Pat? Any other games you want to play, genius? Stay in your lane, yelling on the internet comment sections about Karen’s at Starbucks and black oppression. Take every seat.

No it doesn’t, genius. It stands for Armalite Rifle, and this is why idiots like you should have zero say in anything legislation related, ever.

And fuck you too buddy. Sorry you get angry when I try to correct a factual issue.

I will, once people aren’t using an easily debunkable term when an appropriate one exists. I see it as a mistake, so of course I would try to correct it.

Then why not just keep it in police custody?”
Wow, the Root suddenly trusts police.

“Then why not just keep it in police custody?”

Regardless of who’s it was, whatever I got popped with, I’d want it back.

If police keeping a vehicle confiscated in the arrest of an individual later found innocent is wrong, then this is wrong too. He might be a complete asshole but his belongings should be returned to him.

Yes, but it is amusing how it became a thing just because a lot of gullible people believed it was already a thing, as they are so desperate to find signs of people being white supremacists.

She obviously condones and supports what he did. As far as I’m concerned she’s an accessory. There are reports that she drove him to the protest, crossing state lines with a minor who was too young to legally own his weapon. Why the fuck is he even out on bail to go for drinks anyway?