Rick Sanchez

Nice try, oppression police ass cracker. You’re allowed to have an opinion, but I’ll tell you every time it’s a shit opinion and it’s wrong. Just like everything else you post. 

Is that even English?

Fuck you and Sean P.  I mentioned people like Ball & G, Pimp and Bun, and DJ Paul & Juicy J and you say “weak”. You have ZEEEERRRROOOO idea what hip hop is. Apology accepted. It’s your own microcosm into your idiocy. You’re a stupid racist cracker. GFYS

Girl! You better praise Haile Selassie that lightning doesn’t strike indoors because you lying like a rug (as usual).

Well, sweet young Adam is lamer than this guy. 

I have to respectfully disagree. That dumbass still listens to The Cold Crush Brothers and all kinds of lame ass NY boomer rap. 

Jesus, between the nonsense that he posts and the BULLSHIT rap he thinks is cool, I can’t imagine how big of a train wreck

Anyone who knows anything about Fulton County knows that the District Attorney who brought the charges, the 23 members of the Grand Jury that indicted him, the judge that presided over his case, every juror and alternate juror who will hear his case, the Sheriff of the the jail he’s housed in, and every single

No, you fucking simpleton. Your gaybar pickup line is NOT gangsta.

Stop with the gangsta talk, you’re embarrassing yourself. 

Yeah I don’t think your homoerotic idioms hit like you’re hoping. Once again, Adam, you have failed miserably in your feeble attempts to make a coherent point. 

I have no idea what that means. Must be some kind of gay thing. I’m sure you are an expert on your asshole being punched or whatever you just said.

Ahh… yes… so you’re fighting the system of over privileged white people policing a site by acting like an even more privileged police officer and arbiter of who is allowed to comment on a black site. That makes total sense.

Your only consistency is never proving a point, being wrong, and being amazingly stupid. 👍Good job little guy!


Once again, your arrogance is second only to your ignorance. Tell me again I have no kids🤣🤣🤣🤣

Adam is special needs. I think he has some kind of weird fetish, and that’s why he hangs out around here. 

Once again, talking out your ass. Just because I don’t put my kids on The Root like a pedo loser, you think I don’t have any. HAHAHAHAHA