Rick Sanchez

Stay in your lane, Trudeau. Mounties are fags. 

BMI is passé, but BFP is still the gold standard. Sorry to invalidate your theory. You sound like a chubby bitch, Adam.

Suck my balls you racist dickeating cult member. 

For someone who uses the term “comprehension” so much, you don’t have a good command of the word.

Who wouldn’t want a priceless piece of history that will surely only go up in value?

Once again, apology accepted. 

How’d that taste going down?

Temporarily, not permanently 

Like you

It’s your lie… I’ll let you tell it.

You do constantly. It’s basically the only thing you post. You rarely, if ever, present ANY supporting facts to anything you say. You’re a liar and an imbecile 

Sounds like a lot of projection. Sorta like you claim everyone who you disagree with is an Ultra Maga facist racist klan member? All without ever adding a modicum of fact, context, or supporting evidence to your claims. Idk if you’re a troll or the most unaware ACTUAL racist on the root. Go put on a corny 80’s NY rap

Sounds like you’ve already decided Lizzo din du nuffin, because you’re a dick-riding cult member. It’s cool.

Says the guy making excuses for an abusive diva. 🫵🤡

STFU Adam. 

The Infallible Queen Emperor Lizzo is incapable of doing wrong”

No. She’s beautiful inside and out 🙄

You’re definitely doing “christs work” or “Lenin’s work” or whatever tf you idiots worship.

Why aren’t you out fighting the good fight, comrade? Total fag.