Rick Sanchez

You showed him!

Credible source? You’re an imbecile 

Of course we implicitly trust Fauci! He said ventilators helped! He told us to wear a mask. The no mask. Then two masks. Then three masks. Then N95 masks. Then…

I don’t think you understand any of the conversation that is going on. 

Neither does he 

You used to be kinda funny.

Look out! I’ve either tapped the glass, pulled the chain, or rattled the cage door of the edge lord of the the borscht belt. He hath smote me with his wrath of “pwn the libs” memes and a hit me with the Wunderwaffe, the “Free Palistine”! It’s over, I’m done, the damage is too great, he is clearly of far superior

I think your colloquial term “FaceTime” refers to my dads affinity for bukkakeing the ladyboy my mom pegs. Good for you!

Cry more

Which was only possible because the infallible god-emperor Fauci funded the lab that created it..

A Chinese riddle 

And you disgrace the rest of us Yids, Mr. “Borscht Belt Champion” mieskeit mamzer.

Are you the pedo one or is that your buddy Mr T? I get you two idiots confused

Typical… read PAST the first paragraph. 


Put the pipe down retard, the fenty is killing people. Don’t let your boyfriend find out you’re online talking to strange men again. Best make him a sammich before he blacks that other eye. 

Cool story bro. Wonderful amateur psych profile and user name critique. Don’t quit your day job. I’m sure you’re a fantastic Starbucks barista. 

DuR hUr Me AnD mY Bf dIDnT sAy ThAt, So U wRoNg. WaDnT eVeRy dEm

Reading comprehension is so important, and obviously not one of your strengths.