Rick Sanchez

You talk like you’ve been there. Who’s pocket did you hold?

You and Adam have a lot in common; both are pedos with room temperature IQs. You might be lovers, hell… you might be the same person 

“Logic and facts” 😂😂😂😂

See a pussy, slap a pussy

And brokeback mountain fags like you are pederasts. Does your boyfriend know you’re online talking to strange men again? Im surprised you are allowed on a computer you chomo.

Im not sure why nearly all libtards are pedophiles or sympathizers of pedophiles.

Are you still here? Ole Vanheat been spankin’ that ass lately. Making you look even dumber than you do on your own. Kys broke fag. Go battle rap or something you gay racist twat. 

Says the guy caping for Jonah Hill. You dick in the booty pedo fag. 

It’s your lie, I’ll let you tell it. I DO know that you dont make your own money and you think its cook to steal from your boss. You also think you are morally superior because youre a douchebag gun-grabbing canadian fag who still thinks you can own a gun. Dick in the ass Trudeau fan boi. 

Spoken like a true incel. Let me know when you see your first human female areola. Keep smooching roosters and popping your bb gun. Trudeau loves his little loser followers. 

Tell me all i need to know. You work for other people and use the terms significant other and life partner. Total fag.

Better than you (pederast who fetishized naked girls) and is trying to deflect. You sure repeat yourself a whole lot for someone who claims their handle is latin for “said once”. Makes one wonder… lego boy.

Enjoy milking both the work clock and your bfs cock. Typical commie behavior, arguing online at work. 

Aww… she’s adorable when she’s mad

You’re a sheep shagger. Have fun with your bb gun faggot 

Should I use smaller words for you?

Lego pedo tries to project incel vibes to strange men online, fails.

White supremacy 

Good for you! Go sniff some more pampers you degenerate pedo.

Ill leave the girls to you there, R. Kelly. I’ve had more women than you’ll have in ten lifetimes, though.