John Francoij


Primal Scream's Vanishing Point is a masterpiece, second only to XTRMNTR.

So many small fry.

Will you ever eat jam on toast again?

Agree. The second I heard her mention the Bechdel test I started mentally penning a furious rebuttal, before she pointed out that such "analysis" was wholly unnecessary.

Damn. I'm all out of troll feed.

I mean, that isn't much of a justification. There's gunfire in 90% of movies (and this certainly isn't the first unflattering portrayal of combat in history) but cranking the volume up to provoke a reaction is on the cheaper end of cinematic technique.

Excellent film. So unbelievably tense that I felt as if someone was standing on my chest for the first hour.

You're blowing my mind, kid

If you think Ammesia is overrated, you haven't been.

All things considered, that trailer really isn't terrible. A younger me might've taken a punt on it.

Ritchie had better convince Will Smith to go the Dick Van Dyke route and butcher cockney for the sheer hell of it. Really make this turkey fly!

If anything is going to ruin Wright's perfect run, it's a sequel. I adored Baby Driver but I hope he moves on.

Mitch Murder is top notch.

If you've ever passed out after playing too many video games, it was kinda like that, but in spells of 2+ minutes rather than seconds. Complete disorientation.

I bought one of those passes once, and a friend and I went to see Police Academy: Mission to Moscow (my own personal worst film of all time at that point) repeatedly to see what would happen to us. The nausea and hallucinations began midway through the sixth screening, but we stuck it out until the end regardless.

Pitt is legit amazing in The Assassination of Jesse James. He should have won an Osc. Everything else, pfft.

Where's the bloody chorus

I dare say that Nerdtourage isn't exactly primo Mike Judge. Hopefully he's next out the door.

Many news outlets are currently running stories "confirming" that ISIS is responsible for this. I continue to be unsure of the value of constantly running stories whenever those fuckwits demand to be given credit. It's possibly bullshit and certainly free advertising.