
PLEASE don't "Golden Compass" this, Hollywood. Deserves a sprawling, multi-platform franchise. The lack of Eddie Dean and the fact that King stories probably being optioned by competing studios is sure to cut down on the meta-references and the amount of liberties I'm noticing even in this trailer have me worried.

Presumably you mean the cover image since in the others she's just in a sweater… in the cover image she is literally dressed as Adam Ant. It's cosplay of a man whose style predates Hot Topic by decades.

Is it really a "preview" if it's a rerelease from like 15 years ago? Anyway, excited for new stories, I loved these all those years back when they first came out…

I sincerely hope Buscemi as Krushchev finds a way to work in Walter's Lenin quote (not "I am the walrus") from the Big Lebowski.

The Sword of the Morning, though. Fuckin up four dudes at once and looking like he straight isn't even trying. The motherfucking Michael Jordan of swordfighters.

I'll miss your dulcet tones and shrewd maneuvering, Roose. Can't wait for more magical max von exposition raven, tho.

I'd say they're underselling the likelihood of Loras' demise. I'd take that bet at 15 to 1 for $10 and take Thorne for another $10.

One of two absolutely perfect wordless scenes set to the Who in TV and film. The other is Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray's escalating prank war to "A Quick One While He's Away" in Rushmore.

So disappointed in these reviews. I've wanted a proper Hank biopic for years…

This was me, today. As excited as I am to start binging Daredevil, it's something I want to pay close attention to. I went with the Great British Bake Off. Light, affable, not overbearing. Worked well.

Rejected the sensible traditions which led to the war or reflected the perceived pointlessness/senselessness/ugliness/brutality of said war (and modern life in general)? I'd always read it more as the latter.

When I think of Dada, Duchamp certainly doesn't come to mind first. I think of Tristan Tzara and Max Ernst… and speaking of Ernst, this excellent Mission of Burma song bearing his name deserves mention here I think:…

Would you settle for Bobby Brown?

A surprisingly high review. Would pique my interest, if not for the fact that I'm unwilling to give any of my money to people who literally own slaves.

Step one: rent a castle and insist it's my actual home. Step two: pay some actors to be my maid and butler. Step three: make sure they "get caught having sex" by the camera crews. Step four: act like a megalomaniacal douche for the entire segment. That's how you do cribs.

I remember this from its original airing! This and Robbie Williams are the only Cribs anyone ever needs to see.

I knew I'd like this show as soon as I realized its first musical cue was "Ape Man" by the Kinks. Just perfect, somehow.

I'm not reading all 400 comments to see if anyone else beat me (I'm sure they did) but Casablanca alternate ending? SIMPSONS DID IT! SIMPSONS DID IT!

Joy Summers is a babe. Totally would.

Kate McKinnon gets to be in a movie. That alone makes me happy. She needs a bigger audience.