John Enigma

They do. for the ps4 you have the hori 15 inch lcd.

In some sense, it’s pretty true. The questions are so simple and direct, they tend to be questions that we forget to ask our friends. One question I got a couple days ago was, “What’s something you do to have a good day?” I was like, “Wow. That’s an interesting question”, so I answered it, “Get about 8 hours of sleep,

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Miitomo gets its first commercial in Japan, which features schoolgirls (of course!). In the ad, one teen finds out that, unbeknownst to others, her friend is a professional wrestler. The commercial’s tagline then asks if you really know your friends.

Can’t people just play games and have fun?

Microsoft just announced a new feature that should be make it easier for game developers to create on Xbox One. Shown at the company’s annual Build conference, Xbox Dev Mode will turn ordinary retail Xbox One units into developer kits.