John Enigma

I have a Vita and a 3DS. Just saying.

Project Spark is no more. Microsoft announced Friday afternoon—prime news-burying hour!—that their online game

Disney is putting an end to their Disney Infinity toy-game line and discontinuing their “self-published console

Reminds me of when Konami had a shell company to get around Nintendo’s five games a year rule, Ultra Games.

Because people don’t know how to use Google. They just bitch about shit without looking up to see if it is accurate or not.

it’ll probably be handed to another developer.

but I love Medabots!

Tokyo-based game developer Delta Arts is no more. The company last developed Medabot 9, which came out last December in Japan as well as other Medabot titles and DS and Wii titles. The studio’s official site announced Delta Arts was ceasing activity and offered no further explanation as to why.

Tony Stark Was Able To Build This Xbox In A CAVE! With A Box Of SCRAPS!