John Enigma

He looked better in this pic...

Before anyone shits on this for being ugly or incomplete, this is essentially the first tech demo for smooth side-scrolling done on a western PC. While Japan had machines like the X68000, which was basically a CPS arcade board converted to a general purpose PC, most PCs of that era were designed for business

The popular Steam Early Access dino game Ark: Survival Evolved is coming to Xbox One on December 16th, using the console’s own early access system, that launched earlier this year.

Just play it on the Wang U Wiis!

For years now, fans have wanted Shigesato Itoi to make a new Mother game. It doesn’t sound like it will happen.

$150 for a controller? Why back in my day we could get a console with 2 controllers and a game for $150!

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.