John C. Reilly

Never in the history of cinema has there ever been fake cocaine

You made up for it with the unhealthiness of the rest of your day. You should have snuck in a flask of bourbon and a stick of beef jerky.

Your first sentence legitimately pissed me off

To be fair, sex is scary

Which would be 2 more after Skyfall

You're welcome to that interpretation but it's a big stretch. I can't think of any other moment in the history of the character that would support that theory.

That's not really what was going on in the scene. Silva was trying to make James Bond uncomfortable using homoeroticism to gain an advantage and Bond countered it by throwing it back in Silva's face. It was an attempt to beat Silva, not to reveal anything about Bond's sexuality.

Watch the scene

Was gonna say this. Remakes were just as prevalent during the silent era as they are now.

The Bond under the Craig rebooted timeline has never been married

lol wut

Yes and no. It's even more complicated. Films these days are products that last much longer than their theatrical releases. Merchandise, DVD/Blu Ray, online sales/rentals, product placement, PPV, cable TV airings, theme park attractions etc. are all a part of the pie.

Not completely discarded. It is used as the closing credits song

Box Office Mojo hasn't released the weekend actuals yet. They just have the estimates from the day before. Variety had the same numbers yesterday until they received the better than expected grosses for Sunday.

I'm sorry you are so angry. I wasn't arguing against your point in your first paragraph at any point in this conversation despite your attempt to frame it like that. You feel the need to believe that every person that has ever made a stereotypical joke is racist, or sexist, homophobic etc. when the reality is that

"denies you your humanity". Care to elaborate? I've been the butt of many jokes in my lifetime both harmless and mean spirited. For example, my dad is gay so of course growing up I was picked on for it. I brush petty comments off and continue my day. Life pretty much requires you to develop thick skin in order to be

Actions and statements are in completely different leagues. If you're are hurt more for more than a moment by a statement, that's sad. Actions in terms of violence, oppression, whatever, of course that's hurtful. I'm just very confused with what this has to do with my initial comment. I was talking about the semantics

I can't relate to your metaphor. Accidentally offending someone makes you racist?

I can't relate to your metaphor. Accidentally offending someone makes you racist?

Wow, you really proved me wrong.