John Connor

They bribe doctors with free lunches because food is going to get them to buy drugs, not whether the drugs are good or not. And they get a cut of course. "Here, sell these to your patients. They'll feel high and then they'll slowly get sicker so they have to pay you again and again to figure out what's wrong.

Who cares about death? Some doctor is now rich.

The proof is in that episode, though.
It's not like Craig is just talking up a storm for nothing.
He's saying all this because of that episode that people have seen and were disappointed by.

He still misspoke the words and the evil followed him to the store.
So the S-Mart ending did not lack that aspect.

How is it not Evil Dead?

I agree so much with you on the finale's fuckups:
Ash growing a hand back and the chainsaw emerging from whatever the fuck that Brock being was.

Absolutely agree.
I love the insane wild ride it has become, but I would like just a hint of more seriousness when someone dies.
For example, its bullshit that Ash didn't ask for his ALL his friends' lives back instead of just Pablo's.
I hate that Pablo is given such importance to the other characters just because

Kevin Sorbo is a Christian Conservative and will likely never work with these people again because they (as opposed to Sorbo) are logical.
And there's been beef between them since Sorbo openly ragged on them because of his jealousy towards Xena's success.

If I was a producer, I'd give him a shot.
I like honesty.
And its very clear he's passionate about the story and cared enough to fight for it and even leave because of it.
And watching the series, it's clear that he's right.

They assume its Rob Tapert, but Ivan Raimi is a producer as well.

Trump is Skynet.

2 and 5 are the best of the series.

Friday The 13th by far.