
I find Amazon’s alleged working conditions as disturbing as the next person, but let’s not muddy the waters by pretending that prayer is a “basic necessity”. Just because your hobby is really important to you doesn’t mean you get paid time off work; you don’t see avid stamp collectors or model train connoisseurs get

As reported by Gizmodo in June, Amazon structures its performance metrics in such a way that makes basic necessities, like prayer or bathroom breaks...”

Yes, it broke a few days ago.

A company should not be forced to provide for your religious rights. Do that outside of work. When you punch in your work on their terms and time. Your their to make them money and you. Not to practice your prayer. My business your religious time is not my problem it’s yours. I provide more then required in breaks

How is praying a basic necessity?   

Will somebody think of the robots! 

It certainly seems to be a common theme, other John. I’m not sure why they even have comment sections if they only approve certain people to comment... people of the suspiciously anti-free speech variety. (I’m talking about social justice warriors)

Oh look, a fellow John whose comment is pending approval! I take it this also happens to you everytime you express an opinion on a gawker website that doesn’t conform to their brand of bigotry?

So Canada is going to sell this oil to someone...might as well be the US so we can quit buying Saudi oil.

Gawd, you morons reporting on this are borderline retarded. Those “protesters” getting sprayed with water were literally (watch the video) advancing onto property they were told not to occupy. No one just started randomly spraying them; they did that on purpose to get a photo op, as people trying to advance their

When you prevent newer, more advanced pipelines from being built, and coupled with ever rising demand, pressure is put on legacy capacity. A self fulfilling prophecy, sort of analogous to what is happening with ageing nuclear plants.

This is disgusting. Look how many of these players are kneeling and not showing the proper respect to the Lord.

Whatevs. Hail satan.

I like his style, here is me winning a gold in Rio.