
I’m excited about this film, but I’m not a fan of that particular schtick. Intentionally (or not) pissing something off to judge its reaction when it has no idea what’s really going on? I feel like it’s just a bit overused and kind of dumb. But if you’re going to do, at least they went committed and went full-Giamatti

It’s not that it was a bad movie, it just wasn’t a good movie. Maybe slightly below mediocre. But I think it just seemed so much worse because the trailers were AmazinG! My expectations were through the roof based on the previews, so the let down was palpable.

C’mon now, have you ever met anyone who was a vegan that wasn’t a total douche? No? Me neither. It’s wildly unhealthy, so perhaps that contributes to their douchiness, but I’d posit that they were, in all likelihood, quite the douche before their little romp with veganism.

I have the biggest nerd boner right now.

I really wanted to read this whole article, because the title was intriguing and trump is a tool, but a couple of paragraphs in I realized that you seriously had challenged a 70 y/o to bout of fisticuffs. And then asserted that he wouldn’t take your challenge because he was a coward.

Yah, you know nothing! Nothing!! Hijabs are all about freedom and culture and stuff! Nothing to do with how women are less than men in islam and “rape” is just a fancy word that western bigots made to degrade muslim culture! You bigot!

You’re favourite Capt America cosplay is someone making a religious statement? And not just any religion, but islam? A religion that bleeds hate and breathes misogyny?

At this point, I’m genuinely curious as what exactly has prompted gawker to censor EVERY comment I make. I’m not calling for violence, I’m not calling for hatred, I’m simply expressing (an often snarky) opinion. In a way, I’m kind of flattered that the regressive left has deemed me worthy of censorship. So, good for

Angela Rye sure has got the whole smug thing down pat. Good for her.

Still pending....

Goodness me, gawker and the art of censoring comments. Welcome to the internet.

Yes, more regulation!! Regulation keeps us safe from the lizard people! Down with the lizard people.

This does not look promising.

I am appalled! No women? Unacceptable! You didn’t even point out other missing things, like dwarves, transgenders, lizard people, asians, eunuchs, and worst of all (imo), no zombies! We need to mobilize and alert the SJW police immediately!

Hmmm, as much as I’d like for the Cowboys to get some public embarrassment, something about this seems a bit fishy. And also misleading in a very gawker-like manner. We shall see.

I have no clue who iron fist is, but I’m really enjoying all the SJW’s out there throwing a fit about how he’s NOT being recast. “How dare he be a crackerass cracker! That’s racist! They should have made him asian”

Is that what you would you would do?

I don’t know how the argument would go, because I don’t make a habit of engaging in discussions with stupid on the interwebs. And I think you know very well what an SJW is.

And now I’m hungry.

Is there anyway to stop io9 from becoming a SJW shouting box? This article showed up on io9, and has nothing to do with science, scifi, or anything of the sort. It’s just typical whiney SJW nonsense, in this case dealing with suppressing people’s opinions. Their opinions are hurtful and ignorant? Ignore them! Or argue