John Coleman

It’s not an actual thing, at least not at a real drug testing lab. The poppy seeds can trip the first round of scanning, sort of the “broad spectrum” test, but these are always sent for follow up on more sensitive machines, which root out these sorts of errors. The poppy seed thing is 99.9% urban legend.

But, wait a minute. Isn’t this just all part of the plan?

1. Seat cabinet members openly hostile to the agency they are appointed to run.
2. Have gerrymandered representatives sponsor bills that eliminate (and/or make irrelevant) said agencies.
3. Have a strong/vigorous “debate” where the new agency lead stays mum,

Perhaps his hat needs a little updating:

I run a 100% remote company, so I may have some thoughts here. Granted, we are pretty new at this, but we have learned some things about where/how to find people (which you can reverse-engineer):

Yup, same here for me. Searched for "cats" and left with a white screen, wanting. Now, I am no scientist, but I think dogs are secretly behind it...