Here's a new 'Murica commandment: Thou shalt not build a truck whose bed is too small to carry a Power Wheels. :-p
Here's a new 'Murica commandment: Thou shalt not build a truck whose bed is too small to carry a Power Wheels. :-p
Why bother carefully unbolting and de-hosing your motor when you could just use a chain and a complete disregard for your vehicle's survival instead?
It's a pity Orbison died so early in the project, they were one of the few 'supergroups' I really liked... and I'm 31. I'm apparently much older than I am?
I thought I was the only person who liked that show... But hey, Carol Alt.
I've the good fortune to work 10 minutes from the West Chester, PA McLaren dealer, and I stopped by their body shop to pick up a part a few weeks ago- they had two of these in race trim on the showroom floor, ordered for two clients (that's right- you cease to be a 'customer' at this price point) who supposedly each…
Why would they send them to companies and not the general public, one might wonder?
"Why mah 'I brake fer roadkill' magnit don' work on this here truck?"
That's why.
Are some of those a concept car? I see two different shifters there, guessing the larger, leather wrapped one is the production model.
...I remember 1996. Sonofabitch, I'm old now.
The 2.5 only comes in RWD, so even though it's not the most refined of powerplants, it's decent enough power to motivate the 3300-ish pound car.
Well, there's a solid chunk of the $6k difference- same as the CTS coupe, which only came with the 3.6 and not the base sedan's 3.0 V6.
"...but is it an African or European Swallow?"
Take note- this may be the only time you'll ever see the majority of this site come to Porsche's defense about anything. :)
I'd be murderous about just putting a strap over the roof. The rest is just going into "how long you will suffer first."
Was I the only one who watched that thinking, "FWD, FWD, FWD, FWD, RWD, FWD, FWD, FWD, FWD, AWD, FWD, FWD, RWD...?"
The Spyder is even worse.
Edited, same joke made already. Not that that has ever stopped anybody in an internet comment before... :-p
And now I've learned something awesome and obscure today. Back to bed! :)
My first thought regarding the Equus was that it's destined to be the next Phaeton- largely unpopular new, but the value of the century once their owners trade them in.