John Carter

@izzor: ....this is a car that requires a tire change every 2,500 miles at $10k, a WHEEL change every 10,000 miles at $60k, and a $21,000 scheduled maintenance. This is a car that will never,ever see 100k miles. What part of 2,500 mile tire replacements doesn't sound like constant maintenance if you actually drove it

I thought I was the only one who played ME2 like it was Leisure Suit Larry. :-p

@jdk2011: And yet, here we see the high performance tires on the show car with the ski rack- You can get snow tires for just about anything, they just didn't bother to complete the thought here and add them to this car with the winter theme.

Eh, for under a grand and 4WD you pretty much have to NP any car that will pass inspection. That's not to say I don't hate it, believe me I do, but value-wise I have to go NP.

Electric, RWD, low clearance targa-roofed car with wide, summer only tires and a ski rack. I would hope they are cross country skis, to be used in case you were stupid enough to take this thing out in the snow- how else would you get back home without bumming a ride from one of the blue-collars in a pickup?

@BoxerFanatic: I don't like anything that can impede my exit after a crash in a race car- I know a butterfly style door is one way around a styling issue when you're making a very wide car, but if you've got a window I can't shimmy out of when the car is upside down, a door that opens outward is handy- perhaps the

@Markstre302: You missed the part with the mandatory demotivator picture, but otherwise, kudos :-p

Could have done without the scissor doors on a race car. Otherwise, fantabulous. :)

@GV_Goat: "Hey, that's really cool, I wonder... wait... is that a C2 Vette?? What the fu... oh, wait- it's a replica. Okay, then.

seven and a half minutes to crush one car? I don't have that kind of time, I need to be halfway through the mall parking lot by the time the cops tear gas me out of the vehicle. CP.

@fhrblig: I see what you did there.

@John Carter: In the article they say it was a total of 250,000 gallons, but only 15,000 were washed into the water- I'm thinking that's where the numbers came from, they never say how many pounds. Mystery solved.

@mcholewa22: Regardless, I don't see a gallon of anything that isn't a gas weighing .06 pounds...

15,000 pounds (250,000 gallons)... so a gallon of beef fat weighs less than a pound? Those have to be reversed, there's no way.

WHAT THE ^&$*ING $^#&?!

Am I the only one furiously searching the internet for a picture or video of Rutledge Wood's spray can Lexus from TG:USA?