John Carter

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

@tapz: Captain nemo's car from 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'

@StuckXJ: The folks who cruise the M5Boards can afford a decent camera. ;)

Isn't that cute! He thinks he's Captain Nemo.

@fuhteng: You cut me deep, Shrek.

@freds4hb: : Hey, wait a minute. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hold it! Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian god is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city? No offense guys, but I gotta get my own lawyer.

@John Carter: You can, however, run OVER whatever you wish.

Here, more than ever, the old adage applies: Don't run into anything.

@OA 5599: Well, there goes my shot at COTD. :-p

@mammoth111: How did I know there would be a Gary Coleman joke in there somewhere... at least it's not about his personalized casket. ;)

In a cruel twist of irony, this is Steve Irwin reincarnated.

@John Carter: It's a Spyker doing its Lamborghini impression ;)

I've been using this one for a while:

@nsx23: If they did, we'd be looking down the barrel of a CTS-V wagon/M5 wagon/Volvo V70 shootout... lol

So what you're saying is, yesterday's QOTD will be repeated in September? ;)

J.C. GypMe is worth what?? People must have bought a lot of crap over the years...