
It’s a good thing Wisconsin ended Kentucky’s perfect season because Calipari would’ve sent one of his lottery pick forwards directly at Okafor until Coach K cried.

Two of the last 11 vice presidents we elected ended a term in the Oval Office.

Lots to be excited about with Kaine:

Actually, President Obama was very much involved in the Veepstakes. Kaine was a favorite of his.

I don’t get thee complaints. Would we rather her pick some token minority jsut because they are a token minority? Is that what it’s all about now, just picking some minority person to pander? As shitty a person as Clinton is, this is the most genuine move she’s made thus far. Kaine may be boring but he is also a

I know that when I’m hiring someone for my own company, my first inquiry is not “are you competant? Are you qualified?” Instead it’s “are you interesting??”

So Hillary made her choice for VP. The key word there? She made HER choice, and I for one am thrilled. Kaine is a great guy and will make a strong addition to the ticket.

I watched them all in order to be an informed voter. Joey Bats was the only one I watched more than once.

Also, LeBlock should have been a nominee. I probably still would have voted for Carli Lloyd, but it would have been a closer call.

I will fight any of you jamokes who don’t think it should be the bat flip

The same reason I leave the fridge door open. I know I’m coming back later, so why the extra fuss?

Bat flip. It was beautiful, timely, and it pissed off every old fuck hot take machine.

The flip that launched a thousand takes. Anything else would be NOT IN THE SPIRIT OF BASEBALL.

He's going to use it as a plate, right??? OMG please find the lid to see if he used it as a plate!!!!

Three-Fifths is actually preferred.

2⁵ = 32

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I’d just like to take this opportunity to say Happy Father’s Day to all the Best Bastards in Baseball.

How does Gilbert Arenas not know where Tulsa is?

Ass wants more butts