
This is a great example of what economists call the "tyranny of choice." Having no choices can be demoralizing, but having too many choices can be paralyzing. In this internet age, we are always aware that we could be listening to something else with the push of a button. If we're not 100% into the song, we have

Since we had our first child, we haven't had a lot of time to listen to music or explore for new artists, either. So I definitely concur on that score.

Music is not just about quanitity and availability, though that is obviously important to music lovers. It's also about the environment in which it is discovered and experienced. I bought thousands of CDs since the early 1990s, and I remember where I bought each of them. Those memories are almost as important as

The fact that no one cares about sound quality tells you just how much crappy mp3s have changed our expectations about what music should sound like.