John Bridell

You will not speak ill of Anna Kendrick damn you, you will not! She is amazing, even in really bad movies, even in the Twilight movies, at least 4 of them, she was AWAL in the 5th, Or that abysmal Pitch perfect 2, she wore that super hot skirt and she killed it, Sure the movie was unwatchable, the vomit angel will

Catfish was as fake as a 9 dollar bill. For one thing a photo has emerged of the filmmaker, the fake "mom" and the model who refused to participate in the film. They were in cahoots from the get go. I believe it was supposed to ne a "Mocumentery" ala Blair Witch Project. The Last Broadcast etc. But when some

Did anyone else notice Chloe Grace Moretz terrible accent, or lack thereof? Why cast her as a Russian?

Once again AV Club is wrong. The show has done very well and is into it's 5th season. You said the same thing about Dance Moms, not as smart as you think you are.

Love the Red Owl we had one in my home town. I really miss it.

Is it better then Battelfield Earth?