Kind sir, I applaud the objectivity and political neutrality of in this article!.
Kind sir, I applaud the objectivity and political neutrality of in this article!.
Nope. But it will cerainly be better, IMHO, than if the misbegotten gets away with killing me. There would be some satisfaction knowing this (revenge?) as I take my dying breath. I see this as an extension of the “Trumpian way”.
With an arrow in your heart; whatever you do won’t matter for long. Feel free to do anything you want, or can, do in the less than 6 seconds of consciousness/life you have left.
What are your best tips for cooking eggs in the microwave without the occasional explosions? Your followers really want to know!
Does not seem to work with Google Assistant. is similar to Dropbox in many ways and offers 10GB to individuals up front for free. Definitely worth considering. I use Dropbox for work related files and Box for personal material.
More people (you can imagine who) should adopt #3.
If you Can’t Stand the Heat - Don’t Tweet!!!
The title picture in this article seems to insinuate that the POSTUS and Whitehouse staff are included in “Horrific Men’s Right Groups”. To which I say, “How observant!”
Nice suggestion! Sugru ain’t exactly cheap. It will probably take $20 worth of the stuff to protect a couple of controllers anyway
But Protection of Our Egos is the Number 1 Priority of this administration, most politicians, and apparently slightly less than half of all Americans. With this group, Mutually Assured Destruction of The Opposition is considered far more important than Collaboration for the Mutually Assured Benefit of Everyone.
If our Declaration o f Independence is presumed to be a threat by the current administration administration and its supporters, then So Be It!
You just castrated the USA!!!
This is IMPORTANT. Fake news is being used to influence and deceive American minds. For instance is Kathy Griffin holding a bloody orange-wigged mask real news or fake when compared to an El Trumpo stunt double pretend slapping a photoshopped CNN Logo in an old wrestling clip? Which one is “real news”, and which one…
CORRECTION: Politicians have been fucking over America since Truman.
The idea is to have only TWO (or just one for each room) of such items - not a million.
Your mentioning Twin Peaks and Uranus together in one sentence is “fiercely unique and weirdly endearing”, and it makes me all tingly inside!
capitalize proper names (Hitler) & use possessive form punctuation (“he is” = “he’s”), etc.
Pls Fwd to Mr. Trump c/o POTUS.
Look at it this way Dick Dude - now you are right up there with Anthony Weiner. Congrats!.