
Sure, but the huge differences are that none of us are CEOs of massive, high profile public corporations.
If I was, I sure AS HELL would not be on social media boards. 
When you have THAT responsibility, what you say and do has huge political and financial ramifications.
Your words and deeds can have impacts on company

I’m officially over the whole Musk thing. Seriously, on society’s behalf, thanks for all the cool tech and patents in the auto and aerospace world.
But Musk needs to just STFU.
I hope Apple or GM buys Tesla now.
Maybe Grumman or UTC can buy SpaceX too.

Gaddamn he sits like a retarded 12 year old.

I’d rather keep Trump for the reason that I think Pence is more of a “normal shitty” Republican that would woo liberals into complacency, and not draw them to the poles.
Which makes me wonder why the (R)s even keep Trump around? You’d think if they put Pence in, they’d get a 2nd Pence term.
But maybe not. The (R) base

Looks good!
Maybe GM will actually market this thing and sell way more than Dodge sold Magnums.
It’s funny how sales works.....when people know about your product. 

This is all a mute point. 

So with that logic, I guess Merrick Garland was a scumbag? 

What always makes me laugh is how Fox is able to dupe their viewers even more by insisting that THEY are not “The Media.”
Ok big news media company. (pat pat) 

These Trump/Harley people remind me exactly of the Union electricians my old company surveyed. It was about American made tools vs. foreign sourced tools.
In one end of the survey, they were all pro-American tools and didn’t want any Chinese imports in their tool bags.
But when we actually looked in their tool bags,

Seriously. Omarosa is as “credible” as the president himself. And just because her topic is a vile POS, doesn’t make her bullshit credible. Hopeful, maybe, but it still smells like bullshit.
She’s an opportunist trying to zing someone that pissed her off. And she’s playing us all for money.
And we’ll shower her with

Small time crooks. Just like the Woody Allen movie. 

What happened Omarosa? I thought we were all supposed to bow down to President Trump?
What happened? What changed your mind?
Only now, you don’t trust him?
If only you could’ve seen the train wreck sooner, Omarosa!
If only....

I listened to this on NPR this morning, and I was finally glad an NPR correspondant challenged and pushed back on some of the nonsense a lot of these right wingers peddle on the news.
NPR usually rolls over, but not this time.

So what you’re saying is... your union helped bolster a higher standard of living over time?

That super GREAT tax cut we all got was 80% wiped out by our health insurance going up this year. 

Yup. None of us rank and file got bonuses or raises, even though our company hit all its numbers.

Yes. In fact, Target should be putting up their Holloween displays any day now.....

I agree. I’m fine with them holding a small amount. But it’s not good for them to hold giant amounts that you could’ve used. 

Yeah I tried using that damn thing with various pay stub information, and I kept getting different values.

Believe it or not, the passenger manifest actually has all that priority and status info on it from highest to lowest as well as fare class. This lets the staff know exactly who has status and how much and how much the paid, so they know the whole hierarchy of everyone on board.