Yohon Kalic

It's not competitive multiplayer though, it's co-op. And Ubisoft explained why it's that way, and that's because while you play with others, every characters sees themselves as the main character, Arno. So it would really change nothing, as there's no character variety for the player character.

What's the worst that could happen?

I'm Batman.

The Spice must flow.

You're taking Kotaku way too seriously. This career progression chart might help:

Game developer > Game journalist > Game "journalist" > Kotaku writer > Porn

Agreed. This is one of the best sandbox games I've played in a while, and it's being blasted in a cherry-picking way that has become more and more prevalent in the industry. I still don't understand why GTA V is held up on a pedestal. I stopped playing the campaign because the stories just were idiotic; oh here's

*Slow clap* So, if the gangs were... I dunno, native American, and the bad guys were trafficking 12 year old boys the game would improve?

I think it is funny that they think the game treats black character's poorly as the only sympathetic and interesting character is black.

Because if they made non-lethal guns, it would trivialize all the events where you have to knock someone out instead of killing them, as well as making the "non lethal" playstyle extremely easy.

It was black street gang how else were they suppose to be portrayed, Have them pull up in a segway and ask for poupon.

I'm getting pretty skeptical of videogame reviews in general just because all the gaming sites seem to review games on different standards. I mean Knack got a YES from Kotaku even though every review said it was generic as hell. Killzone got a NO, despite being a solid game with good multiplayer but was criticized for

Yeah i've really enjoyed the game so far, I don't understand all the negativity.

This is one of the worst reviews I've read on this site. And that's not to comment on Kirk's reviews as a whole because usually I agree with most of them. Clearly you're playing the game wrong. Can't tell you how many times I escaped areas or infiltrated a secured building without shooting a single bullet. Helicopter

I'm so incredibly sad that there are so many people on this site that seem determined to watch this game fail. Either because it didn't meet their weird preconceptions of what it would be (despite nearly two years of previews) or because it didn't match the graphical fidelity that it was initially shown at (I don't

GTAV might be large, but it feels barren and dead. Games like Sleeping Dogs and from what I've seen of Watch_Dogs, these games actually FEEL large and real, even if they aren't.

This is correct! Why aren't people reading the article...

Did you...not read it?

I would add...

Iv made this one myself. Not the greatest paint job, but I'm happy with how it turned out!

I too expected that he lured them into Minecraft to do some funny prank.