
Most likely in some artistic sense that the flag is serving to protect her, maybe?

Problem 1, note the term MY taxi...I don’t work in a messed up city like new york where no one but the company can actually OWN the cab. Secondly, I’m not discriminating against anyone based on anything but action. You start making out in the back of my cab, get the hell out...Dont care if you’re a man and women, two

Be gone sainty negro troll, and learn to read. The question posed was a simple one, if the ‘evil lesbian hating’ cabby had in fact been completely against PDAs and kicked them out, would people still be crying? Seems the problem is NOT because he’s against PDAs but because he’s against apparently lesbian couple PDAs.

True, I’m on the fence on the idea of this ‘remake’. Even though I’m sure it won’t be a ‘remake’ more as a “New cast” sorta thing.....But if they get the right cast, that can give the same as the movie cast, then, we the fans should be happy......should be :)

So, if the driver was actually treating any PDAs he deemed overboard the same way, you are now fine with it? IE he kicked them out for snoggin, and not because they were snoggin lesbians.

So, if the driver was actually treating any PDAs he deemed overboard the same way, you’re now fine with it? I mean, if I were the cabby there would be a line...a simple “If I’m being distracted by what you’re doing in MY cab, stop it. If you don’t like it, pay to this point and leave” No racist, sexist or any other

How about well, Anthony Head?

Oh we’ll call the great Cthulhu and he’ll eat me and you to, if its good enough for Cthulhu then it’s good enough for me! Gimme that old time religion... Sorry had to break into song there...

I’ll just leave this here.....

Actually, the ground maintenance workers numbers are just people in those jobs...Which if you figure a reasonable plus or minus on average per year, they actually are more dangerous than police officers....Well at least more 'on duty deaths'. Which is well, sort of scary to think about it. Mind you, statistics can be

*hrms* Ok normally in such cases, you go with the straight language of the law, ignoring most punctuation (Don't blame me, blame my law teacher for 3 years :) Trying to dig up more on the law, something that is in a more 'normal english' it does seem to be only one light, even if it is still legal to stop a car for a

For the real cops out there, the taking of a life is a last resort. Most of the time it is during a 'them or me(us)' moment. Yes sometimes this is a perceived threat, when the guy turns around hand going for something. No not the moments when the racist/power tripping cop says "He's got a gun!" and dumps every bullet

Ummm nice law quote but if you will notice..."

During 1992—2007, a total of 1,285 worker deaths associated with tree care in the United States

And if they give the belt to 'Goatboy' then sure there might be cheers but then he'd be boo'ed as much as Cena, as now Bryan is now taking Cena's place as the "Babyface rebound champ"

Now playing

Wow, someone actually asked the question I was going to, and someone actually answered it maturely...I think my faith in the interwebs is returning....:)

Now, what they should really do is film the same movie script wise with both casts....Make cosmetic changes so it's not obviously the same movie and see if one does better than the other :)

Yes, I'm sure he did prepare...Though I just don't seem him learning the 'mumbo jumbo' to actually use the lightsaber...Could he have made a plasma sword? Maybe, but it still isn't a lightsaber :) If you're playing in both worlds, you have to stick to facts from both. Aside from the few things, it was a good short :)

Let us consult the experts on such matters....First in searches on all things lightsaber the wiki, that states as follows :

Early vanilla quest, and a 'shout out' to the Link series, has you find a faded picture of a character...So yeah, photography has been in since the beginning...As for this S.E.L.F.I.E camera....They are taking something, making it extremely silly, to give the option to players, but to also poke fun at the trend as