
And you are a clueless troll, go back to your cave.

Actually I stated repeatedly they both made mistakes. Thanks for failing to actually read everything and just jump to the conclusion that’s definately wrong. Do I think cops everywhere are perfect? Hell no. Do I think this cop should have shot the man? Who knows, wasn’t there and don’t know everything that happened

Why are you alive? Because the cop wasn’t on edge already thinking you were a criminal? Because the cop you ran into had more experience than the one in question?

Look in the mirror and you’ll see a worse piece of shit racist. Have a nice day.

If used when there’s no doubt? No doubt of what? If there was ‘NO Doubt’ the officer would be behind bars.
Dispute if victim followed protocol....again, had the officer NOT followed protocol he would have been charged with negligence.
Completely ignored video - You mean the one that says “The Uploader has not made this

That’s right, they are trained when and when not to shoot people. Unfortunately when the civilian at the traffic stop appears to be going for a gun, after being told to stop. That line blurs and a million thoughts run through the cops head. The cop chose poorly on which one he listened to, but it was deemed a ‘good

Well I’m glad you see the light Coldpasta. It’s nice to see when people admit they have been wrong so often. See, sarcasm doesn’t work very well in text does it? Now, how is this totally irrelevant? If someone has a concealed permit they are taught how to do things. In some instances it is almost hammered into your

Why? because I know if you have a concealed weapons permit you don’t proclaim that and then reach for your wallet to show an officer who already seems on edge? As for the “I normally don’t attack people online.” I would have to say bullcrap to that. Nowhere did I say he deserved to be shot, nor where did I say

Actually no whitewashing at all. Make Castile white/Asian/Jewish/native/Indian and the cop black/Asian/Jewish/native/Indian. Play the scene out the same way, with the same result. It would get the same reactions from me.

Actually the caveat of “No he didn’t deserve to die, but he wasn’t completely without fault.” Still not something he should have died over. An enterprising person like yourself should be able to see that situations are not always X was at fault Y was not at fault.

Just to summarize, Castile got shot because of a nervous cop who thought he was reaching for a gun. Based on talks with people who train the people and those who get the permits. you know that guy who tells you what the laws are in your area and just what you say and do during a traffic stop IF you are carrying a

“Black people never forget their training.” Well that’s a load of trash as if he did have a concealed permit he is trained NOT to go for ANYTHING after saying that he is currently carrying a weapon during a traffic stop. He is suppose to wait until he has basic confirmation that the officer understands and has either

Actually you order someone to do something and they reply to with a statement to say he is carrying and has a concealed permit. EVERY person I know with one has told me in many ways that it is drilled into you what you do and say when a police officer stops you and you are carrying. The one thing they have all said

Did he go into talking about how the XB1S has SSD speeds? Did he go into detail how the SSD in the console greatly increases load speeds etc? Or was it more he typed S S D instead of H D D? If that was the only issue then yes it was a typo. Honestly I only read the article about an hour or so after he posted it so it

A comment was made about the ‘pack of wolves’ attacking him for a little mistake. You proceeded to state how mixing up SSD and HDD are not ‘little mistakes’. Anyone who actually read the article with the typo would have saw the pictures and like everyone else went “ummm, that’s not right” so no, no one believed there

Actually, you not getting paid should have absolutely nothing to do with the amount of silly errors you make. Unless you’re saying that because you aren’t getting paid, you can throw criticism at people for their mistakes, while making a tonne of your own. I guess that’s what America is declined into hasn’t it? “Haha

Theres= There’s....Thought it was A not an ex A SSD..As S is not a vowel? (Could be wrong there though....) Shouldnt = Shouldn’t isnt = Isn’t Im=I’m doesnt = doesn’t

See, rather petty when people jump on you for little mistakes eh? Now you know how Fahey feels :)

Does anyone ELSE find it funny that a series that basically has a “It’s what is inside that matters” sorta motto has so many people screaming and waving their PC flags suddenly? The damn creator of the series said Johansson was a good choice.

Meanwhile, Battlefield does the same thing over and over. With minor ‘window dressing’ and people go crazy about the “Cool new game!” I mean, Hardline looked like it should have been a Battlefield 4 MOD not a new game :)

Umm, there are working Exo-skeletons in existance, no too ‘futuristic’ there anymore...I’d suggest reading the “Products” section on