
Good catch. I will say this - I don’t make nearly as much as dude but there is nothing that Banana Republic sells that would make me even consider jeopardizing my job for.

A 49-year-old grown-ass man stealing from a Banana Republic in New York City. /smgdh

Point number 2: Minor public officials have personal drivers earning almost $200K / year.

Stadium no selling those explosives like Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III, brotha!

Wayne Fontes is wondering where this Defense was in the 90's.

Those men DESERVE to have their names honored. Quit spreading lies.

And this sort of thing is why I’m glad to no longer consider myself part of the Left in America.

God, you’re beyond stupid. Do you even have an editor? Do you people even bother to research or fact check your shoddy journalism?

Yeah this isn’t ticking my “outrage” nerve.

my dudes like 80% of the nicest shit in New York was built as a huge middle finger to the South, including: Lincoln Square, Union Square, Grand Army Plaza (later we built a national monument for Grant’s tomb). The confederacy got a couple of tiny streets within an army base.

Just great! Now we have to tear down the Lincoln memorial and melt down all the pennies so no one gets triggered!

Almost all Confederate soldiers and sailors were pardoned after the Civil War. Some, like Lee, had to ask for it. In Lee’s case, it was granted. He then went on to support Reconstruction and trying to assist President Johnson in reconciling the South & the North. As President of Washington & Lee University, he strove

Look... for the last 60 years no one gave a fuck about a street named after a confederate general... why in the last 5 are people up in arms over this shit...

it amazes me yall are sooo worried about civil war names all the sudden but for years didnt say shit stfu move on actually do some good for the world then waste time

If this is truly a problem for POC, I’m finally convinced they don’t actually have real problems.

This is literally the Christian baker argument before the Supreme Court: If I have to make gay cake, a black baker could be forced to make Klan cake.

That makes zero sense.Bakers are able to decorate any gender confused persons cake. They just chose to exercise their right not to. Just like the barber could have done f he wanted to. And if he did, I’m thinking this would have been a story to your liking. See,there is the problem , you oly want equal rights and free

Barber is enjoying the money to pay for his 4th of July beer.