
You have a real problem with generalizations. You read:

German over-complication.  Check.

I sat on the side of 91 for 3 hours once waiting for a tow truck, just south of Hartford.

Where do you live that you can get anything in the world brought to you in the middle of the night through a huge traffic jam in less than 45 minutes?

This is a bad take. That speed bump specifically causes him problems. Look more closely at the picture. It’s obvious there’s a problem specific to his garage. As he exits his garage, the sidewalk slopes down into a gutter, but the speed bump is much higher than the gutter.

of course, it’s my pleasure, John. Although, in the spirit of transparency, be forewarned that if I’m not waxing then I am waning, and so, while I’m happy to provide more exposition on the drinks, I absolutely can not promise any curbing of “existential musings.” So please, read at your discretion, and no hard

There are many, many better ways to calm traffic, but America isn’t willing to pay for most of them. The speed bump is effective, yet penalizes even those who drive safely (it’s uncomfortable and causes suspension wear). I’d much rather have sculpted medians, diverters, and pinch points.

Being a car enthusiast means understanding that the vast majority of car users are huge dipshits that misuse their driving privileges,”

Counterpoint: sometimes roads bend.

Yeah, everything you just said is pure conjecture. I drive a stock coupe and I’ve hit speedbumps while driving at the appropriate speed and slowing down ahead of time.

Unpopular opinion, as someone who lives in a neighborhood and previously had an alley: Fuck this guy. His claim is nonsense. Either he drives like an asshole over that speedbump, making him a danger to his neighborhood, or he modified his car in such a way that it can’t go over a speedbump, when he lives in a spot

Airbags.  Obviously.

How about for every Gabby Petito story Jezebel publishes, you publish two stories about BIPOC women who are missing and/or murdered?

The franchise dealer model needs to die, already. It is BAD for consumers and horribly inefficient. 

And as long as the franchise model enjoys monopoly protection against direct-to-consumer sales, nothing will. 

Hi there John, thanks for you comment, I appreciate the feedback!

Landfills are designed for it’s contents to not have aerobic decomposition, so it doesn’t matter too much if an item in a landfill is biodegradable, if it ends up in a landfill they will try and limit it’s aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, and NOT be reintroduced back into the earth.

Meh, I like getting tattoos. The actual act of it. it’s good hurting, like sports.

Here you go, although it gets a few points for making me laugh.

And seriously, is there anybody who doesn’t use cannabis because they’re afraid of the legal consequences?