
come on.. all this and no mention of directional tread tires?

come on.. all this and no mention of directional tread tires?

We don’t really have the paid cart things around where I am, but they do have little cubbies throughout the parking lot to drop your cart in before you leave. And yet, there are still carts all over the lot because people are lazy. Drives me nuts, because they just leave them in the parking spaces, which is an

I think that person’s job is actually to go out to the cart corral and bring all of the carts back into the store. It is not strictly to first wander all over the parking lot collecting abandoned carts and then bring them in.

but i’m sure other shoppers love having to navigate a busy parking lot full of shopping carts discarded by assholes!

Trying to justify leaving the cart with a “I heard some people enjoy gathering up the carts” would make someone an even bigger asshole than just leaving the cart

Unless you personally asked them all and keep a list of who enjoys doing that and who doesn’t, AND know who is working on which day... doing that makes you an asshole. You’re assuming something you have factual proof exists.

You realize the grocer’s responsible for stray carts, right? One of those motherfuckers gets rolling and slams into the side of a 2021 BMW? Yeah, that’s $1,500 out of the grocer’s pocket.

The argument that “Some X enjoy Y so my behavior is justified” is not that great though. They are trying to make an excuse for their own behavior. Similar to other things, this isn’t just about having the workers have to go hunting for the carts, there is also the factor of how it impacts other customers by taking up

Concern for employees is not the only consideration. Carts that are not in the corral can move and hit other cars. Sometimes they block other cars from parking in a particular spot. I’ve come back to my car to find a shopping cart blocking my door.

This is a case where outliers and what-ifs distract from the basic premise though. Sure, some people enjoy shopping cart duty. So remove them from the equation - you still are leaving rolling, unsecured objects loose in an area where people park their second largest investments after their house.

I gathered the carts for a Menards in college. It is generally not an enjoyable experience. Customers yell at you if one hits their car or is blocking a spot. I saw some pull up next to a rogue cart and use it as their cars trash can (Disney’s study sounds totally plausible to me). Despite my big neon green vest,

Just because someone doesn’t mind fixing your assholery does not change the fact that it is assholery. The factor of someone maybe taking some joy from fixing your laziness does not counterbalance the potential issues the act creates in potential damage to others’ cars, increased contact in a period we are trying to

Unless you’ve surveyed every employee of the particular store at which you are shopping to confirm that they all “enjoy rallying up the carts” and believe it to be “easy, soothing work,” you are an asshole if you don’t put back your cart. I can’t even believe that you would try to both sides something as dumb and

I used to push carts at Costco in Anchorage Alaska. Six inches of snow and ice on the ground, and temperatures below zero.

I would say it depends a lot on the location and the weather.

Before or after I roll them in raw chicken?

Probably wouldn’t hurt to have a way to get our of dodge faster if the orange idiot REALLY screws the pooch, gets voted out and refuses to leave and tries to initiate hostilities over it. He is the sort of man child that would have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office. It would be a pity if he resorted to

Doing that does make it easier to get Iceberg lettuce apart and also you are then able to run water all through the head of lettuce and clean it.

If the thing you will be dropping the ball on affects other people, please notify/warn them. I had a teammate ghost on an important project once. If she had told me she needed to drop out, I could have found coverage and adapted. But by the time it was clear she was not returning, I had to scramble and it was much

Man says somethign “directly”: listener thinks, “He’s so efficient.”