
Funny you mention stick shift - all these years I considered it an essential skill that I vowed to ensure my offspring possessed. But right as they came of age, so did electric cars, and the imminent extinction of the manual. Despite feeling differently only a few years ago, I consider the stick shift to belong to a

I’ve successfully applied tough love in other situations and pushed my kids toward adulthood as appropriate, but I won’t push someone to get their license and force them to participate in such a risky activity before they feel they are ready. I deeply lament living in such a car-centric culture - it’s hard enough to

you self-identify as an optimist, don’t you?

which part, exactly, of Bidenomics gets ya? seriously, what specifically?

tried that, and unfortunately got what I asked for with one of my kids - my youngest 18yo still doesn’t have their license, and guess who gets to drive her everywhere?

so what’s the “right” rum then?   anything over 40%?  the higher the better, no limit?   why not grain alcohol then, if all we’re after is the effect of the flame and not the taste of the spirit?

I can attest to the effectiveness of biking when overweight - it’s been an instrumental part of my weight loss journey, which is remarkably similar to the 280lb -to- 170lb story above. Even after I lost the weight (and now participate in races and half marathons) I continue to bike because of such a great cardio base

I continue to be entertained by the bias toward electric car fires, while ignoring our conditioning to accept ICE car fires as normal. While it’s normal to watch new tech more carefully, ICE fires are so common as to have a name - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the radio report the carbeque on 695.

ok so if it’s been coming for months, then why now?   has zuck made elon nervous?   feeling old?  in need of something fresh?  LOL

this article isn’t talking about using them for babies - the article suggests going out and buying plastic spoons. Bravo for your effort to reuse and repurpose, but where do you think those spoons will be in 100 years when we’re both dead and gone? They’ll still be here, likely in some landfill somewhere, no matter

don’t forget, otters also rape baby seals (at least according to that standup comic)

I’m sorry, I know there’s enough toxicity on the internet that negative comments are in poor form, but I just gotta express my disgust at this cavalier recommendation to buy more single use/disposable plastic.

I figure the author is very proud of himself for figuring out the connection, maybe even invested the time to watch an episode or two, and so had to work that into the article somehow.

This 48 year old has done next to no social media, but I’m on threads and this dude is my 2nd sub.  Elon didn’t bother me until he started using his influence and platforms to advance right wing agendas.  Now I will happily support any competitor of his.

bummer, should have read the article - it clearly instructs to only do this to cars with no people inside. this is the US though, so soon there will probably be a gun included with every car sale, maybe perma-mounted to the hood or something.

I dunno, man - re-read the post and I can’t find a single clue in there that it’s sarcasm. And the proper grammar (in all your posts) makes it even harder to believe that the whole thing was a long, sarcastic joke. I’ll give ya the benefit of the doubt though and wish you a happy Friday!

while I admire your effort, I can’t shake the feeling that it’s all wasted here, buddy. no one cares. the informality and lack of proper grammar is a feature, not a bug, in these discussions.

nah man there’s no magic. I just used literally one (outdoor) screw per corner to barely hold them together (for easy dissasembly, turning, access, etc...). works a treat.

not once, but twice, this article brings up the fuse box - and I can’t understand why. if the whole house is out, resetting breakers ain’t gonna help. if it’s only one breaker that tripped then you’re not in total darkness and it’s only one circuit (and in my experience not even entire rooms) that are out...

I’m generally aware of the brown:green ratio (2:1 by volume, 1:1 by weight) but that only exhibits minimal influence over what goes into that box I created with four pallets along my back fence. It’s far enough away I don’t care about the smell and the creatures can have at it for all I care.