
so then why do you come visit “a car site that doesn’t care about cars”? is it for the comments? Please: take the comments at face value. They’re from real humans giving you real feedback, just as women are real people and deserve all the rights you have.

An easy example is DND has a feature that it will ring through if somebody repeatedly calls. On mute, that emergency call will never ring. There’s other differences, that’s just an easy one.  They’re not the same - there’s a reason they are discrete features.

With the size of their huge trucks and how they basically have to keep the door open with the frequency of deliveries, is a/c in the trucks even helpful? Is it the right answer to this problem? I’ve never driven for UPS and drivers have my full support, just trying to make sure we’re headed to an actual solution and

Oh, really? I’ve never had an apple so I had no idea. Thanks, I finally have a single, solitary reason to switch to apple. Gonna need a few more before I make the move, though. LOL.

More than a physical button I’d prefer a “mute for __ minutes” feature. I always forget to turn it back on after the movie/meeting/whatever.

don’t forget: the point of an FSA is you’re paying with pre-tax money.   though if you’re careful and don’t carry a balance cc points can indeed add up!

I’m with ya! This job had it all, just like yours. Until my company restructured and installed buffoons above me for supervisors. It’s changed this job completely. Don’t take anything for granted.

ask the cashier if you can swipe your FSA card before you pay, just to see if it knocks your total price down.”

agree, but I also appreciate the “journalism” exposing the practice here. this is exactly the sort of thing that can get out of hand quickly if left unchecked. not for a moment do I believe every single manufacturer wouldn’t implement this immediately if they thought they could get away with it.

ok fine, you get one upvote for your childhood trauma

In my brain, there is a thick line between ripping off and homage, and I rarely have trouble telling the two apart. It’s the difference between respectfully referencing material / honoring it versus stealing it.

While agreeing (or not knowing enough to disagree) with Sinic’s awesome post here, let me come to Elizabeth’s defense a little bit: her article is only 26 words longer than this response... there simply isn’t room to provide the detail and nuance presented by Sinic here, and barring that the best approach is to err on

uhhh, if you need someone to say it to you, DON’T make these types of purchases if your personal finances have you thinking about living in a cardboard box.

I usually don’t let my opinion of actors get tainted by their personal lives (we all have stuff we’re not proud of, thank god I don’t have paparazzi following ME around!) but I wrote off this fellow as soon as he cheated on Uma Thurman. What a douche.  I can hardly enjoy Gattaca because of that, but that’s one film

Autolycos’ main objective is to sign victim’s up for premium services without their knowledge.”

I have a feeling that the electric car wars are going to be mostly fought over range”

“Passengers weight 180lbs each.”

Glasofruix, I’d like you to consider the possibility that older houses were perhaps OVERbuilt. And yes, there is such a thing, as defined by wasting resources and materials in building something to be more than it needs to be.  Yes, we’re all familiar with new construction and “thin” walls - there’s definitely a case

I’m with ya - I’ve always enjoyed driving and have had long commutes (currently 31 miles one way through Chicago traffic, ugh) but I would happily give up driving in a heartbeat, and hope to now that my situation is transitioning to an empty nest one where I can start prioritizing myself again.

I had the traditional version done - this article’s account matches my experience; one incision on each nut, then a snip and cauterize. I was numb so no discomfort with the incision, but the snipping of the vas deferens HURT... but only for a brief moment. Recovery was quick and uneventful for me, I was up and about