
Even IF proper facilities are available to a homeowner, that doesn’t prevent the widespread misinformed decision to just throw leaves in regular trash. Many mistakenly believe “what harm could it do” and there’s several answers to that. One is that landfill space is increasingly precious and having biodegradable

mine is the only comment lamenting my own ignorance, so please let me explain: in no way am I offended, I love learning new things. I’m just so absolutely disgusted with the “format” of recipes these days, which this article borrows heavily from. 6 paragraphs of nonsense and then a single sentence where each

I’m no professional, but neither are cocktails a stranger to me. That said, I don’t know what Calvados is. Or Green Chartreuse. Yes, I have the internet at my fingers and I could google. But I just read 6 paragraphs of history leading up to the drink and I think SOME of that should be relevant information about the

If you parked over the line, that would be me parking so close you can’t get in. Notice how I’m within the lines of my space. I love it when my car gets old/beat up enough I can do this without fearing whatever vandalism your self-entitled ass might decide is warranted.   (not actually directed at you Citron, but it

When I first started going to Aldi (and the quarter-for-a-cart thing was new to me) I thought I was doing somebody a favor when I offered to take their cart back for them.  They probably thought I was a beggar or poor and needed the $0.25.  Thank you kind lady!!!  I think of you often.

bah. just like every generation swears that the “kids these days” have no skills/respect, with each generation of technology people will say it’s just gonna break/be more expensive. Exhibit A: I remember the bitching about automatic windows, and it’s wasn’t that big a deal to just use the hand crank. Aside from that

I was just telling my kids about New York, and how those not from NYC will be sure to make it known that they’re upstaters. It’s a close 2nd to the predictability of Texans, known for 2 things: 1) Everything in Tx being bigger and 2) Everybody bragging about everything in Tx being bigger

I think the difference from 30 years ago is the “displacement solution” - i.e. on average we have bigger engines now, so the draw of the a/c compressor is less of a hit on your engine overall since it’s less % - but the draw is still there.  The compressor’s gotta run, and the energy’s gotta come from somewhere.  In a

Disagree. I’ve enjoyed both a WRX and Forester and never modded them beyond stock. I’ve literally lost count of the number of times I’ve plodded along in snowstorms (Colorado and Illinois) past stuck pickups.  Also, AWD =/= 4x4 - definitely set yourself straight on that pronto.  Best of luck!

Because today’s car market guarantees he’ll get more for it now than if he waits.  And with this car, that means thousands more.

Curious: what’s the click rate on that “Load More Slideshows” button at the end?

I grew up on the east coast and then a few years in Colorado, but have raised my kids in Illinois for the past 15 years. Now that they’re driving, I’m trying to instill in them that in pretty much any other area besides chicagoland, driving >20mph over the speed limit WILL get you pulled over, probably with a

Regarding Overcooked, I fully agree. Kids and I were having a blast. When the wife joined, it became a different experience entirely.

Samantha, Charlie, Bob and Tracy.

You’re exactly right - MAYBE it’s better.  We’ve got top people working on that right now!

I call it “food-like product” in my house and generally don’t have it in the fridge - though I’m ashamed to admit I do make some exceptions like when I’m making >4 burgers on the grill

So cars are simply charged for entering the area? What about the cars that never pass that tollbooth and yet do more than their share of clogging up the roads?

this makes ME wonder what they (and other cops) get away with ALL THE TIME

Ok Gene from Detroit, what do you propose instead?  Or is this acceptable there, no need to fix?

Great tips! Agree with all, especially the burr grinder, except the part about pre-heating water that’s going into a drip machine. I read that this can cause the thing to burn out, since it won’t sense that the water is already at temp and will try to heat it up more, but the heating element is calibrated to expect