
There’s no issues with the math, either. We save a ton of money, because as it turns out, you don’t actually have to get every streaming service available. When we had cable TV, to get the channels we wanted, we had to buy a package with a hundred or more channels we *never* watched. Now, we choose what we’re

Wolfenstein 2 looks absolutely bonkers, in a very good way. Two new Metroid titles when it’s been bloody years, and then we get Beyond Good and Evil 2. Pretty good E3, as far as I can tell. Yeah, I guess we didn’t get that Half-Life 3 announcement that’s never, ever going to happen, but everyone with sense already

They’re not “sexualized”. Breasts evolved to be far larger than was biologically required to feed infants, in order to mimic buttocks, and attract the attention of males. They are biologically sexual in nature.

That being said, I don’t think it harms anyone to see breasts, and equal rights should be our goal. I think

I mean, it might end up being decent, but none of the trailers were terribly scary. For this one, I just thought “don’t put that in your mouth, you don’t know where it’s been”.

It seems to be an anthology series, so little horror shorts, I think.

Holy shit what a load of crybaby whinging. Generations didn’t bring shit to anyone, ever. People did. We’re all one species, one race, one humanity. Stop inventing and endorsing horseshit ways to divide us.

The thing is, its almost always less money, because people just get the services with the shows they actually want, instead of paying for a bunch of bullshit they don’t want to watch. We have hulu and netflix, for instance, which have the shows we want to watch. This costs way less than the price of the cable or

Saying it “isn’t a bargain” because all of these services together are similar in price to cable is... well, stupid. Do you really get every online streaming service available? Do you think that people dropping cable have to get all of them, like some federal law was passed requiring it? Neither myself, nor anyone I

Haven’t seen any of those. Just people pointing out that it’s a play on “no man’s land”. It’s not the alternative because “no woman’s land” isn’t a saying. It makes sense to me that jezebel would label being coherent as sexism, as they embody the opposite while falsely claiming to be feminists.

Yeah, this notion that people haven’t been exposed to messages that rape is wrong is fucking stupid. Literally everyone has been taught this, and even if it’s not a part of every sex ed program, it’s a message that’s repeated in every form of media across the entire goddamned planet.

It’s radical to release it online as opposed to after the credits? This might be the least radical thing I’ve ever seen.

As far as I can tell, the thing DC has done to distance itself from Marvel is to release fucking awful, joyless, criminally boring movies directed by a talentless hack.

Yeah, sorry, but DC’s TV universe, like its fledgling movie universe, mostly sucks giant donkey cock. I didn’t care for Agents of Shield, but Jessica Jones and Daredevil are great. They’re dark and ballsy in a really good way, that DC hasn’t come even remotely close to matching. Also, Daredevil’s version of Frank

Yeah, the SP/PAL SNES is a much nicer looking system. If you like the buttons, the controllers are interchangeable. If you dig the system, you can play the slightly differently shaped US SNES carts in a Japanese SF with a converter. It does mean the carts stick out stupid high, though. Not completely sure about

We got the SNES junior, which is closer to the Super Famicom/PAL SNES, but not quite as nice.

Except we haven’t. The only movies released so far are the fairly bad Man of Steel, and now the cancerously awful Batman V. Superman movie, both directed by Snyder, who has yet to create an unambiguously good movie. “But 300!” you might shout defensivel. Well, was 300 actually good, or was it a collection of excellent

This article is garbage, but The Jungle Book isn’t.

The truth is, The Jungle Book is indeed wrapped up in ideas and prejudices of the time. But, so is the rest of classic literature. You can just dismiss it all because some of the notions in it don’t mesh with current moralities.

There’s a reason we still read these

Nowhere did anyone claim he “invented” it. He’s just someone who’s learning primitive skills. These primitive skills, by the way, were used by people of all ethnicities. White folks used bows and arrows too all across Europe, if you weren’t aware.

If you’re offended by this man doing it, you’re choosing to be

Just one correction: Man of Steel was not a “pretty good movie”. It was fucking awful. The cartoonish action sequences were both unconvincing and absolutely bland, and they made up a huge chunk of the movie. Meanwhile, Superman was a brooding whiner without any moral courage or conviction. It was one of the worst

Absolutely no one needs to see Sharktopus, or any other scifi original movie ever made.

Or, you know, it was an obviously silly premise for a fucking comedy movie, and wasn’t actually a serious message as to how society should or shouldn’t be.