
It’s still almost all salmon. But thanks for the absolutely bullshit co-clickbait title.

Akira is nicely animated, but the plot doesn’t go anywhere, and refuses to make any kind of sense.

This article is really, really long, and never makes a case for a trackpad being useful for controlling games in all of that length. Trackpads are terrible for nearly every type and genre of game that exists, even modern trackpads, and even apple trackpads. Even games that can be played acceptably with a trackpad work

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: PC laptops have multitouch as well. I can pinch to zoom, use a two finger swipe to scroll, etc. The only difference, is mine has separate, physical buttons, including the ability the right click.

I’ve decided you’re either a troll, or a goddamned idiot. Either way, I’m done here.

No, they haven’t. The Bond from the books was cold, and a killer, who didn’t make clever quips. Casino Royale’s Bond was that character. Dalton was close, but the Dalton films were terrible. Not his fault, I suppose, but you’re absolutely full of shit about Casino Royale presenting some new character.

It’s almost as if you’ve never watched a James Bond film before. And, the first and third Craig films are the very best Bond flicks in a very, very long time, and perhaps the best ones made to date, though I think a lot of Connery fans would be upset with me for saying so.

Quantum of Solace was much poorer, but even

I haven’t seen this yet, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from io9 reviews, it’s to put little to no stock in io9 reviews. I’ve seen reviewers sing the praises of trash like “Transformers”, and tear down properly excellent movies.

I’ll check this out for myself and see what I think.

Their claims seem to be dependent on popular feminist mythology. It’s sort of the same reasoning behind Jack Thompson’s inept attack on video games. He claimed repeatedly that the fictional events in the games would cause us to harm people in the real world, but no evidence ever supported that claim.

Now, we have

It’s not like original is actually good. It’s a fairly awful, gutted, toothless corruption of an amazing book.

Next time actually pay attention. If a middle school teacher were grading that as a plot summary handed in by student, it would get a failing grade.

No, just a hipster.

And you liked Guardians of the Galaxy before it sold out, too, right?

I dunno what’s worse, people denying that there’s a consensus that Zack Snyder films are poor, or people denying climate change. The evidence is equally strong.

Oh no, a grown man didn’t get all the children’s toys he wanted immediately, but will still be able to purchase them all at a later date with no difficulty. I don’t know how we can bear all this injustice without taking to the street in protest. Someone must make a stand for what is right. These are truly very serious

Nothing. Regardless of the rate of change of sea level then, we don’t want all of our major coastal cities underwater now. There were far less people to impact then than exist now, as well, and if we want to keep ourselves alive and in good condition, we need to drastically slow down the rate at which we’re altering

To be fair, you can shut all that stuff off during the install, so it’s not on to begin with. There’s a point where it tries to get you to use default settings, claiming it’s for a quicker install, but you can choose to manually set things up. Choose the manual, and you can uncheck all those obnoxious little boxes.

What? Of course Bing uses your information for targeted marketing. They like money. Are you simple or something? In fact, Windows 10 tries to get you to ok using everything from search results to browser history for directed marketing purposes across devices. I just completed a windows 10 install on my tablet. You’re

I dunno what universe you’re from, but in this one, boys go “ew, girls” when they’re young, until they start seeing them as attractive at the start of puberty. Also, girls tend to go “ew, boys”, as well, though it fades a bit earlier for them, as puberty comes a year or two earlier.

They each have their own place. This film, by the way, will be absolutely ladled in CGI. Almost every film is, now. Lots of stuff is done that you’d never know was CGI, as well, like buildings and backgrounds.