John Prado

Well, if you don't care about your knees I recomend that for you.


From my passed grandma:

Vote: FileZilla

CCleaner is excellent but Spybot gets my vote because if you don't use it your computer will have more evil than the hell itself...


Really cool.

Milk to make plastic???

And here, in the south part of the globe it's the more depressing day of the year.

Hope the release version won't crash when the map of pledge shows up as in my RC2/WINXP...

Play spider on XP???

It helps quit smoking too???

Start with C to learn the basics of algorithims and data structure.

"Before the Internet - this day was probably only known in the USA. Now with Social sites publicizing it, it is celebrated worldwide"

Good to know that I'm not alone.

Another good (and eco way) to do this is using pet bottles filled with water as soil container to your garden.