Street view is great for a number of reasons. For one, Google's address listings are sometimes suspect so it's good to get an image just to make sure.
Street view is great for a number of reasons. For one, Google's address listings are sometimes suspect so it's good to get an image just to make sure.
Gotta go fast you say?
Welcome to my childhood guys.
Haha yeah, it's great.
Wouldn't really call it ripping off when Pentavision is paying royalty to Konami. Plus, two companies are cool with each other.
Love this game.
It's pretty obvious, slow translations. Not to mention most of the games will never be translated, so most Koreans have to import English version or Japanese version if they are good with either languages.
I absolutely agree Brian. Back when I was in Korea, there were a lot of classic literature and biographies in comic form. I used to read them a lot when I was younger.
Quite fitting...
Leagues of Losers is still much better and original. "F" for an effort though.
Leagues of Losers.
You must have some amazing pair of eyes, because that's one small kitten.
Seo Taiji, godfather of Kpop himself. He also has Hide's guitar, the dude from X-Japan. Pretty cool. Not to mention he was bangin' Lee Ji Ah until recently.
Next in our next life!
LoL? Laugh out Loud?
Did you read any of their interviews at all? Google it.
O, didn't see that. Looks pretty interesting. The animation looks a bit choppy though ( probably because its still in development stage)