John Brown

You know what they say, don’t do the crime if you can’t serve the time! Haha

How about Marxist theories?!

The cowardly troll didn’t have the guts to open the jacket before the match was decided.

HAHA you communists are losers!

“rump sucks but Jesus, going full Socialist is a dead-end street.” Exactly right, but the people on this blog, aren’t JUST socialists, these people are flat out communists, totalitarians. That is why you will never win. Carry on fools.  HAHA.

A life sentence seems reasonable.  He sure must hate women!

Pays better than McDonald’s!

Want some cheese with that whine?

Easier said than done, we talking about black people, and they be thugs in what ever they do.

That is so normal for black people, no?

Hahaha, can’t you take a joke, and a good one at that!!

Haha, another commie blog shrinking due to lies!

Jones should kick every kneeling fool off the team!!!

Harriot, you are such and ignorant fool and a racist.

Haha you idiot, they were all black people. Scared to do anything.

Haha you idiot, they were all black people. Scared to do anything.

Haha you idiot, they were all black people. Scared to do anything.

Haha you idiot, they were all black people. Scared to do anything.

Haha you idiot, they were all black people. Scared to do anything.

you delete even the reasonable comment like Max. you are scum