Johann S.

Didn't that happen to one guy? He was out sick and missed the office pool and then they won and he didn't get jack shit.

I thought it was the idiot tax. Which was funny since in my state lotto money pays for schools.

Unalaska is a town in Alaska. I know it's weird I thought it was a typo the first time I shipped something up there. []

I believe you can buy them from that lab in Russia that is doing the long running domestication experiment but they only sell a few and they are expensive. Though I do wonder about how you would export them to another country since they aren't a standard animal for people to own.

I wonder what happens in a low visibility situation like fog, snow, rain, etc. The safe thing would be for the car to just stop.

Publishers want to increase their profit margin. If they could do that buy selling one copy of a game for a billion dollars they'd do it. These are corporations whose sole objective is to make money not be your friend.

Dead or alive you are coming with me.

I'm going Moonbase because that's what I think the Chinese will do to one up America in their quest to claim #1 status.

4. Ha lower prices, are you sniffing glue? There is no way in hell publishers will ever lower their prices because they somehow got rid of used games. They would however keep the prices of games at full price longer because now you'd have no fucking choice.

sounds like a good idea. For the water part I always kind of assumed their were some kind of emergency doors that could be closed if an underwater part of the tunnel sprung a leak to prevent it from flooding the entire system.

That was my thought. Her whole initial bit in the city shows how completely out of touch she is with the city. I took it to mean she was at least initially going to be a terrible avatar because she has no idea what is going on.

hmm the online portion sounds exactly like what was in Cities XL before they shut it down because of low usage. So it's not really original and has all sorts of pitfalls like what if someone creates a coal monopoly and fucks over everyone else on the server? Though if they are smart ever city will have access to

That was my though as well. Also someone else mentioned that this airport is close to the Bell helicopter factory so that one may just be waiting to be delivered.

I think the protocol is to park the plane away from everything else like the terminal so really anywhere on the runway is probably fine. But that probably depends on if the situation is under control on the plane or not.

wait so he maybe said something about a bomb and yet the passengers are still on the plane even after it had made the emergency landing? That makes zero sense.

Does anyone else notice the scroll bar on the bottom stating "Apple unveils new online rumorstore where mac fans can buy rumors about new apple products."?

another coincidence with a recent read of mine "The Pentagon Wars". The Bradley was initially outfitted with halogen based fire suppression system. Turns out the system (which went off incorrectly 2 out of every 3 times, ie no fire) would force any infantry in the vehicle outside or kill them if they stayed in the

lol when I saw the storm troopers the first thing that poped into my mind was "Cerberus is in a movie?"

New video explained nothing, just recalled old games that no one remembers. How fucking hard would it have been for you to have just grabbed some screen shots and short clips of in game action from these old games to use as an example and say "see this is what we want to make this except with today's tech."

I believe that is what they are going to working on for the next version. This version really was just fixing and restructuring the core of the program which I guess had gotten out of hand over the years.