Johann S.

He's probably got quite the supply of oil in that fat head of his.

isn't the whole point of having the microwave hug the ground so that you can't see all the dust and crud that collects under it? with legs like that you'd have to clean under it.

That's easy America runs out of water and has to import it from Canada and Canada takes advantage of the situation.

That was my thought as well. The fall of America through one way or another always seemed like a common theme to me in SF.

oh man I like how Raphael is being super 'black", big lips, chicken and watermelon. It's not a Michael Bay movie without a random moment of racism.

It's for people who rip their movies and tv shows off the dvd/blu-ray. XBMC will display all of these files along with additional info like posters, fan art, etc in a easily navigable way. Probably the simplest way to describe it is the imagine streaming netflix expect the collection is made up of what you

damn. I was hoping the show would refine itself after the pilot. Why the hell do they keep acting like they are in New York when there are scenes that are clearly in fucking LA?

should be fine then.


speaking from observation and not from an actual attempt grass always seems to come in uneven at first.

just to clarify are you sharing between two computer inside your home network or one computer inside and another one that is outside?

Only against ones that show up out of nowhere and proclaim themselves as god or his synthetic equivalent in this case. Also they're trying to take my job. Just look at them learning more and more next thing you know they'll be voting and getting on my lawn.

1. Depends on what you mean by those words. A lot of people seem to think good = happy but not in my book. Good equals the story lined up and all major and many minor plot threads were resolved. Satisfying would be just the main plot threads ended and nothing much happened to the minor ones. Usually after those

Yep had all sorts of technical problems that you would expect with a giant and heavy reactor in the back. Not to mention what would happen if one crashed or was shot down. []

where do you think the Pentagon gets the "idea" for those new things to slap onto them? It's a huge revolving door that encourages cost overruns and punishes anyone who tries to stop them.

Read "The Pentagon Wars" it explains perfectly what is wrong with the Pentagon. But in brief the F-16 is a fluke that was jammed down the Air Forces throat by people that actually knew what they were doing but who unfortunately no longer work for the military.

As an American I promise we won't abuse this new power. Now about that loan we need....

Definition of intercept, 'to take, seize, or halt (someone or something on the way from one place to another); cut off from an intended destination: to intercept a messenger."

we farm out people intel to them since the CIA seems to suck at it. When it comes to electronic intel the NSA has been king for a long time.

There was a principal once in my school system who when some parents complained about "graphic" content in some of the books in the school library and wanted them removed responded by saying okay and banned the bible.