Johann S.

ha that was great. I'm to young to have ever seen this on TV. Disney stopped doing their specials or movie of the night things when I just a little kid. Also loved the random Donald Duck cameo.

That's pretty good. Much better than the official ending.

If you are going to play games get an internal drive. Anything over the network would be to slow. I'm not sure about USB3 but you'd still get better speeds with an internal.

Personally I think it's lame the only thing an ISP should care about is my total up/download in reference to my monthly data cap. Allowing them to identify what exactly people are doing is just asking for abuse, especially when the ISP is also a media company. What's that using Netflix better slow that down so you

stay off the Moors at night. Sorry couldn't pass up such an easy reference.

bring back dim that was what made Hulu so much better than every other video player back in the day. Now virtually every video player has that feature and Hulu decides to nix it!?. Go to their blog and complain.

Use favorites on the 360 instead of the queue. Much easier to get to the new eps, less scrolling. If you know which shows have new eps out.

a big ass balloon. He jumped out of the basket or 'capsule' as this article decided to call it.

oh hey it's carrier 61. I saw that thing all the time at the shipyard when we went to my Grandparents house.

mostly from one episode where Marceline sings a song that implies she wants to be friends with Bubblegum and gets all flustered when she realizes what she just said. Then per standard internet rules people read more into it.

yeah I hit them on instinct even if it goes against my alignment.

lol, going up on my facebook now.

not entirely if you have them high enough they somewhat change the ending cinematic. But not through you having such a big army more as a reward for wasting so much time getting it that high.

I thought the ending was just weird. I suspect the problem was that they were trying to hug the middle of the road to make everyone happy but ended up being kind of unsatisfying because of how it was executed. Hard to explain without ruining it for you so I'm going to shut up now. The game is fine it's really just

yeah they're arm wrestling just hard to see on the car. There is kind of an army on either side of them that implies they are fighting in the lamest way possible.

ah there we go. I knew there had to be something else going on as I had done what everyone said to do in ME3 but no dice. Looks like I screwed myself back in ME2, lame.

I just remember the UI being nothing more than a generic file name only system which was annoying to use if you had any folders with large amounts of files in them (7 seasons of Simpsons).

Did they ever make the UI any better? I had one of the original units and the UI just sucked back then. Still, it did play every format.

when you play the video in XBMC go to the video play options and try the different screen settings to see if one of them works better for you. Should be the little movie reel next to the play/pause buttons.

sort of. My understanding is that it is actually been around awhile but no one used as it was an overkill feature. That is until Anime fansubbers realized that in theory (so many of them fail to deliver on this promise) they could use it to compress Anime farther (smaller file size) while retaining about the same