Johann S.

My original question was if the author (of the post) had flipped I and II? As I question how WWII (which appears to have happened in the book as America is split between occupying Japanese and German forces) could have occurred if the conditions of the end of WWI (Treaty of Versailles) never occurred.

That is true. I've never been able to stand the alternate time line genre like those Turtledove books. It's fun to talk about but reading it in a book that you can't really back and forth with just sucks the fun out of it for me. Though I can see it being good if you aren't aware of all the other variables.

whenever I see that flap or it's horrid brother the two tabs I get a feeling of intense anger. Seriously who designed that stupid piece of shit!?

It was the European powers that demanded the onerous 'repayment' policies and heavy demilitarization policies that were viewed as humiliating by the Germans that plunged Germany into a depression that served as a cooker of discontent that Hitler exploited. Wilson had little to do with the final treaty as he was sick

losing half of France is well in hand?

It's the cure.

Start8 is what I want for a desktop using Win8. Because really the start menu and file finder Metro are the same thing. Hitting the start corner and going all the way back into metro is stupid. I'm still hoping they will have an advanced option to to turn the metro screen off for people who just don't need it.

wait do you mean America never joins WWII? Because if we didn't join WWI Germany most likely would have won and Hitler never would have risen to power. Thus negating a lot of started WWII.

A door with a lock on it. *wink*

Is there a good (for Win7) hard drive S.M.A.R.T or related program out there that people can recommend? I had to pull a drive out of my WHS as it was being reported as failing but the info in WHS is fairly basic so I was hoping to check it out more in depth on my main rig and if still goodish just use it in there

"Last Resort" sounds interesting obvious tip of the hat to "Crimson Tide" and "Red October" but I wonder can it really work as a TV show? Maybe if they only plan on doing one season going longer seems really weird.

In regards to corn being cheap it is important not to forget that corn receives huge government subsides that make its price artificially lower than it would be without. I don't know if it would still be cheaper or not but it definitely wouldn't be as cheap as it is now.

agreed it is in everything including things it has no right being in. As some others have suggested it's probably in their to mask cheap ingredients and provide cheap feel good 'flavor'. I'm not sure if it is addictive on its own but the feel good nature of it certainly makes you want to have more.

That was my thought as well.

I always wondered what made the Tianzi Mountains? I'm assuming there is some sort of river that carved it up like that.

Actually I would expect people from a yacht club to be worse.

Agreed I'm not aware of any Native American tribe that used that much face paint. It reminds me more of an African outfit. But I guess when you have a white guy playing the part of an Indian you have to cover it up somehow.

hmm sounds like they are mixing up "Life on Mars" and "Daybreak" to make this show. Hopefully they can hold it together. Fun concepts but super easy for them to drift off into stupid town.

if you haven't already check with your local gov/waste management/dump. The one where I lived has a special little area off to the side for disposing of random hazardous items. You had to talk to the dump staff first though as it is fenced off. But they would take basically anything.