Johann S.

handbrakes default setup is foldername-#. So if there are 4 episodes in the folder you made you'll get awesomeshow-1, awesomeshow-2, etc. The numbers only count up per the individual folder so 4 folders will net you 4 files with a -1 at the end. However you can type in whatever you want when you set the que in

if the box sets are DVD's use DVD Shrink to pre-rip the DVDs. Say you have a 4 disc set you will end up with 4 folders containing the contents of those discs. Then use handbrake and make a que referencing those 4 folders and let it do it's thing overnight. This way you don't have to change out the discs one by one

Doesn't look like anyone has mention this yet but the real danger of Iran or really any other country developing nukes is not that they will attack America. Seriously Iran won't because the result would be the suicide for their country. The real danger is that if Iran gets nukes than all of it's neighbors will feel

how is that any different than every other military on the face of the planet?

that was my first thought.

I would imagine that part of the problem is that the kind of people that might want a smart TV probably already have a xbox/PS3/Roku which offers a superior service. So why the hell would they buy a smart TV.

lol, Seattle based space elevator/bridge. I'm imagining a jumbo sized Space Needle in my mind right now.

I remember watching it a few years ago on Hulu. Since you're UK you'd need to get a USA proxy to access it, you do not need Hulu plus to view it. As for the show itself I recall it feeling more like Blade Runner the show than Total Recall the show.

I don't get it how do they know the bullet came from Mexico? Was the lady standing right next to the border? The link article is really really brief. It sounds like they said it was Mexico because there was a gun battle across the border at the same time I would guess, not that the article said so.

I do. The only thing he's done that I thought was great was LOST and really in retrospect I only really like the first season or two.

Sorry I know nothing about Wonder Girl but is that what her standard costume looks like? It makes her look like she just got back from Gymnastics/Magic camp.

When the "From Mars" bit disappeared from advertisements that was a big indicator to me at least that something was seriously wrong with this movie. Hopefully it's just the marketing that is fucked up. But somehow I doubt it.

lol, "gave them to a neighboring country". You mean the neighbors he attacked with said weapons. All the weapons were destroyed. The inspectors were kicked out after they were all destroyed because Saddam was trying to look tough and more importantly keep the air of maybe having something to keep Iran (the country

great. I just hope it's the actual rest of the season and not just them finishing off the last few episodes they had in the bucket.

there is only one, powerDVD, which is expensive and does not upgrade for free so if the blu-ray discs update to a new security standard new discs won't play unless you cough up the cash. It is surprising, especially since there are a few ripper programs that can copy blu-ray so it's strange that no one has converted

sigh blu-ray is a bust. Seems to be alpha stage or lower. If I had to guess it can probably handle a blu-ray disc that you personally burned but any movie with security on it (which would be all of them) doesn't work out of the box. Reading the forums I see a few suggested "fixes" but I don't see anyone actually

objectivity is hard so we don't even bother trying!? At least try to be objective no one expects you to be so neutral that when your planet faces annihilation you tell your wife hello. But the fact that you won't try and even wrote a BS post about not trying just shows you don't care about the truth. The point of

huh I remember reading about these years ago in the National Geographic though I think that article was about the security of nuke sites in general. But from what I remember when the reporter followed one of the trucks he ended up being stopped by some of the SUVs that were traveling with the truck. The way these

God damn kids with their new fangled fusion reactors.

not hard at all. The only part that slows people down is getting enough uranium or plutonium. There's a documentary "Count Down to Zero", i think, that goes over it. Very scary because I could conceivably build one myself with the machinery where I work, only parts I'm missing is the fissionable material and a