Johann S.

that's actually what he was using it for. That and just screwing around with paint.

do you all want to hear something insane? While I was in college (2004) the roommate of my friend had and used a computer than ran windows 3.1. It was not a virtual machine, it was not a "check out my old computer", it was an actual "I do work on it" computer. I shit you not.

same here, rocking it old school.

exactly it's the Bill Nye solution.

"Mercury, the main ingredient in vaccines suspected of causing learning disabilities"

unless those other kids were in the habit of going on international vacations to places were many of these disease have not been stamped out like they have in the US and other 1st world countries they like you were being protected by the herd immunity. Try imagining a world in which your parents wouldn't let you

limiting the machine trades to human time intervals makes the most straight forward sense. It would introduce no new problems and eliminate the machine generated problems. Of course every financial company would cry bloody murder about it so it will never happen. I imagine in the future we will see the stock market

our nukes probably won't have enough force to "shatter" a large asteroid like you are imagining. See the movie "Deep Impact" for reference but in it like the movie "Armageddon" they try to blow it up with nuke except it just breaks it into two huge pieces that spread the destruction out even more.

I think the point of the gravity tug option is for when the asteroid is spinning to fast or erratically on it's axis to actually land anything on it.

?? did you mean to reply to me because I wasn't talking about dead people actually voting, I'm talking about why their names are still on the voter registration books.

It will probably be awhile before a cheap and reliable humanoid robot is actually available. By this I mean a robot who can replicate human labor without requiring a pre-built environment to work in, such as an assembly line. So it will be a long time before we see say construction workers replaced wholesale.

In my mind Apple is much like Sony was in the past. i.e. it is perceived as being the absolute best and people are willing to pay a premium to own their products. The question is really when not if that perception will change. Though with their current momentum unless Apple release a real stinker or someone else

I should point out dead people still being listed is more a problem with how records of deceased people are collected and distributed. There is no national death form that you fill out when a relative kicks the bucket and then gets passed around to every organization that might have a vested interest in knowing if

cool and all but I can get basic basic cable here for 10 bucks and it would have more channels than the OTA Aereo has. Still it's a step in the right direction so I support it.

yes on the viewing angle. I can watch my LG plasma all the way to the point that only an asshole would ever put a chair there to make people watch the TV from.

I hope it bombs so bad that Bay will never be able to make another movie.

that's what I thought as well. Looks like the ship is going down in flames, or at least venting something.

Me too. In fact the last time I had to use and Apple product it's name was Apple II.

the orange guy looks brown to me or did you just mean a heavier shade.

they should have made it Regan being the one who started the whole Star Wars thing.