
Sadly, I can't really remember, but it was probably in some icon pack on InterfaceLift if I remember correctly. Probably called Leopard something. (sadly, they don't fit 100% with my Mountain Lion folders but that's a minor annoyance)

Usually 3 icons, inbox, current and outbox. But sometimes I put files I am working on currently (new stuff) onto the desktop but only for max couple of hours or so or even shorter.

Maybe it's just because I have for almost all of my life had problems sleeping. It can take a minimum of 1 hour for me to actually fall asleep, and that's when I'm lucky. So I guess my view on sleeping and napping is a bit distorted.

I don't know about you but a nap for me does not include falling asleep. That's the last thing I want to do because then it will turn into hours of sleep. A nap for me at least (don't know about others) means just lying still and relaxing for 20 minutes or so. Resting the mind and body.

This is what scares me about IP laws... :/

Similar to how unlimited internet connections are almost unlimited.

hey! that hurts. I don't like it when someone calls me a shower.

how can something last "almost forever"? I guess it works similar to almost infinite numbers...

I was going to say the exact same thing. I would love to see more Linux/Windows workspaces but the problem is simply that the number of beautiful/clean/clever Mac setups seem to fairly outnumber the PC ones wherever I go. My theory is that there are more OCD mac users out there.

for me, there was no magic trick. Plus I never quit it completely. I sometimes fall into those web browsing habits every now and then. The thing you need to do is keep an eye on yourself. Notice when it happens, notice what triggers it, and try to avoid those triggers or at least notice when you get triggered so you

fun fact: Kona means Woman in Icelandic.

One thing I used to use before the days of Dropbox was an automator script that would upload any file I dropped on it to a "misc" folder on my web server and then copy the new URL to my clipboard. Those automator apps were PIECE OF CAKE to make.

One thing you seemed to fail mentioning about Markdown is its main focus. The fact that you don't really need to convert it to html/rtf/whatever to be able to read it. It was designed to be just as readable (and straight forward) in plain text as it is after conversion. For me using # and ## next to a header or ======

Before we go into the art debate (Which this post clearly is trying to bait us into) I would like to point out that the word "art" is not synonymous to "beautiful", "interesting", "good", or "creative". Neither is art (in general, although in some genres it is) measured in the amount of effort put into it.

You realized that after only one month?! Took me years...

somehow I doubt it. :(

true. iTunes on Windows is in my opinion one of the worst music players out there. iTunes on mac on the other hand is on my top list.

I did not know that. For those that have the latest retina MBP, a Macbook Air or any other mac without a cd/dvd drive. Dismiss my tip.

what? they have taken out the eject button in the top right of the keyboard?