
again, sorry about late reply. I really don't check Lifehacker that often (except for the rss feed).

I worked at a chicken farm once and let me tell you this. Chickens would be better off in one of those vending machines. They seem to have more space there at least.

A smartphone costs a bit more than 25 dollars.

I don't display my birthday on facebook which leaves me with only couple of birthday wishes from friends who actually truly care. And they usually phone me or meet me in person instead unless there's a ocean between us.

Any news when the App store gets opened to the rest of the world. Kinda sucks (especially when there are app store exclusive apps) when it's not open for my country (Iceland) :/

sorry about late answer. Just saw this question now. My name is Jóhannes G. and i'm studying video game design currently. The best place to start with 3d design is without doubt Blender given it's price tag (free) and it's high quality (in my opinion, stands next to the commercial ones, or at least god damn close).

This answer I do like! I also quite dislike uploading/downloading or relying on a webservice (or a flash drive). Thanks!

Excuse me if i am wrong but I last used Chicken of the VNC couple of years ago. But isn't VNC just to control/view a remote computer but not access files and get them to your current working computer? I am studying video game design (sound) so I am running some quite resource heavy programs on these iMacs at school

Here's the deal, I got a MacBook Pro but I dropped it in the floor at school a week ago. Thankfully it just killed my (backup'd) HD and nothing else so it took me no time to fix that. This event did scar me "emotionally" though and I try to stay away from bringing my laptop to school. Therefor I am in need of an easy

Now there's one thing that really bugs me about the app store, and actually scares me now that I am seeing great apps being sold exclusively on the app store. The app store is not available in my home country, (Iceland) as far as I know. Period.

Another fun trick to do with CRT's which I accidentally stumbled upon while playing my guitar. (I would need someone to give me some good hard facts to confirm this trick though)

@Seventhexile Speaks: but is the production worse than producing aluminium? I don't know much about (actually, nothing at all) about PLA production but I know that aluminium factories (and all the stuff that comes with them) has had quite an effect on my home country.

@sebluver: It's a bit about balancing it on your legs. So it will actually "hover". Making for a lot better airflow, and less danger in frying your balls. ;)

@LilOrange: If you set your facebook profile to public you are basically telling big brother (and all the other people) that you are OK with them watching you. If you don't like that, put your profile on private.

@Tom_Servo: In my case, the appstore doesn't even support my home country (Iceland), When I select USA, it gives me a paypal option though but gives me an error because the paypal account is not registered on an american address. When I select Sweden (my current country of residence) the paypal button disappears.