
So instead of finding ways to get her resources for caring for her children, they... strip her of more resources by throwing her in jail? This makes sense.

The Dog thing is out of control. Dogs on planes and subway cars. Billions spent on dog medicine. That people love their dogs so much is a sign of how alienated we are from other human beings in our culture. Nobody loved their dogs as much as the SS loved the shepherds.

I totally see your point and mull over this all the time, I'm all for a woman controlling her own sexuality. Nicki paid for her ass and like, say a weave, she should be able to show it off whenever she wants to. It is her body. But is a woman controlling her sexuality ever out of the realm of the male gaze? Is her

It angers me most that her goal to interview "real Americans" and interviews people like this piece of shit.

Birth, a.k.a. "taking a number 3"

Because there is frequently a legal distinction. Do you really want "gray area" rapists (and I'm not saying AT ALL that all date rape falls into a gray area or is not rape) to get the same punishment as someone who leaps from the bushes and holds a victim against his/her will? Truly?

Yeah, and then she starts showing her "support" for Palestine, because that's the most important human rights issue in the history of the universe.

What has she said about Syria, gender apartheid in Saudi Arabia, the kidnapped girls in Nigeria, the women of Pakistan, women being stoned to death in Iran, Malala, ISIS, the Taliban, Somalia, child marriage in Yemen, Islamist parties in Egypt and Tunisia?

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

The photographer David Maisel produced some gorgeous images of this phenomenon in his series Terminal Mirage (2003-2005). The imagery is gorgeous and slightly unsettling at the same time. He is a great photographer, everyone should check out his work!


Where the hell d'you get that idea?

This is really dealing a blow to my belief in the reasonableness and modernity of the Mormon Church.

I'm guessing she said "nerds" because "soulless, amoral assholes" while accurate, isn't polite.

From a 2009 NY Times article, citing a defense department report:

Opting not to have cosmetic surgery is not called "letting yourself go."

Sexually objectifying and commodifying yourself the the point where you willfully enter a contest in which you prance around on stage and men judge the attractiveness of your body in a bikini and high heels = bad

Ermm, yeah, cue the sound of The Point whooshing over many heads at once...

"Got it"

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to attitudes about science, one side has a whole lot more fucking idiots than the other.