
And your knee jerk response is exactly why nobody takes people like you seriously. Yea, mild coercion. Welcome to reality, the history of our species, and to biology. For better or for worse. And guess what, women are complicit in the whole sadomasochistic dance, despite what your WAGS professor at Vassar has told

You really think there is no difference between a violent rape and a date rape where sexual interaction is consensual but the penetration is not? Mild coercion, for better or for worse, is a historical reality even in consensual sex. Just the tip? We're just a bunch of primates and there is a very creepy, very real

Why doesn't Hobby Lobby have a religious exemption from Title VII for hiring women who get pregnant out of wedlock? What was the basis of Alito's for ruling that Hobby Lobby's religious beliefs trump the ACA, and why wouldn't they also apply to Title VII?

carpet bombed? Part of the problem is the rhetoric. Israel does some terrible shit, but they are not engaged in genocide (if they were there would be no Palestinians left in a matter of hours). They are not an apartheid state either. Arab-Israelis have equal rights under the law, and have a better quality of life than

I mean, there wasn't. Period. The population of all of Israel/Palestine in 1948 was 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews. There are now over 3.8 million Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza alone. Nobody lived in the Negev, and nobody still does save a couple Israeli cities and some Bedouin.

True. The thing about the settlements is that the population of Jerusalem is growing and the suburbs are expanding West. And *most* are expanding on hills that sit empty. And while I would also like everyone to abide by U.N. resolutions, there is a reason Israel occupies the West Bank. Before it did in a meaningful

That's quite a misleading propaganda map. While the parts in white in the first map on the left were actually where Jews lived, the parts in green are just everything else. If that first map on the left were accurate, most of the country would be a third neutral color representing where nobody lived, and the green

Ah women. These magazines suck. Not sure why Jezebel gives them coverage. It's like tacitly admitting you'd totally read this shit if your women and genders study professor wasn't watching.

To protect the interests of the non-bread-winning spouse (and children) upon dissolution. To create legal shortcuts for a whole host of rights and responsibilities that might otherwise no get executed by contract (succession, power of attorney etc.)

There are any number of pot/hash oil e -igarettes for sale around the country already. This is not news.

Though some of us stoner bros like to drink too sometimes, even get shitfacesdand have silly collegiate experiences. You can separate creepy frat partying from partying in general in such a way that it can be fun for everyone and not be laden with misogyny.

Actually the Mormon church had BYU do genetic testing of native Americans and then sat on the results because they were counter to Church teachings.

Are you fucking kidding me? They believe native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel and that white men came to North America in wooden submarines with breathing holes.

You: "Expecting people not to want to participate with their family and friends simply because they want to change one aspect of the church doctrine is a little simplistic."

Not really, dissent means you have an opinion that differs from the accepted one. There is no room for "opinions" in the LDS Church. What the Church says, goes. You are not free to opine about what the Church elders declare. You accept or you don't get to give your man spirit babies for eternity.

Simplistic? People have had the courage to reject such backward dogma throughout history, no matter the cost to their community. And what kind of woman wants to be in a community where she's viewed as a second class being whose end goal is to be a reproductive vessel for spirit children of men, who are the only ones

Good luck with that. It is a fundamentalist cult with little room for reform. This is not some 2000 or 5000 year old cult. This is a 150 year old cult formed after the Enlightenment, with all the attendant social control necessary to persist despite the age of reason.

Or go to heaven where they might give endless birth to a man-god's spirit babies on his celestial planet.

Dissent implies there is some kind of rational element to this about which people can disagree. This is religious dogma we're discussing. The LDS church is a pure form of sexist. And its stupid 150 year old dogma makes absolutely zero sense as a rational matter to begin with. There is belief or not. I don't get these

It is a fundamentalist religion whose teachings are fundamentally sexist and view women as mere accessories to men who are spiritually incapable of equality with men.